Distance Learning (DL) is a medium or an educational format that enables learning to occur when the student and the instructor are physically separated from each other in time and place.
At RCC these courses may be offered via the North Carolina Information Highway or the Internet. Such classes have the same course description, basic content, and credit hours as the traditional courses.
How It Works
Online Courses: Online/Internet: College curriculum or continuing education course in which 100% of the instruction is delivered via the Internet/online. Courses may have proctored testing, but instruction is delivered online. In an online course, instruction may be synchronous (requires all participants to be online at the same moment) or asynchronous (learning “anytime, anywhere” meaning that the learning process of a particular subject is performed without fixed class hours in classrooms).
Entrance into an online class is defined as logging into the institution’s learning management system (Open LMS) and completing the required enrollment assignment. Attendance is determined weekly by students completing assignments, submitting quizzes/tests or posting within a required discussion forum. Therefore, students should check their courses four to five times a week.
Hybrid Courses: College curriculum or continuing education course in which > 50% but < 100% of instruction is delivered when the student and the instructor are separated by distance. Part of the instruction, such as lectures, is presented online while another segment, such as lab work, is taught in the traditional face-to-face setting. Students are expected to participate fully in both the online and face-to-face portions of the class.
Blended Courses: College curriculum or continuing education course in which < 50% of instruction is delivered when the student and the instructor are separated by distance. In a blended course the primary delivery is via the traditional face-to face method along with a requirement that students complete assignments in the online environment. Students are expected to participate fully in both the online and face-to-face portions of the class.
North Carolina Information Highway (NCIH) Course: College curriculum or continuing education course in which content is both sent and received through a video network. In a NCIH course, faculty provide instruction to students in the NCIH classroom and also to students at other sites, or students in the NCIH classroom receive instruction from faculty at another site.
Distance Learning Education Grading System
The grading system of the host institution will be used. The final letter grade of the course, issued by the College, will be posted to the student transcript.
Proctor Policy
In some distance learning courses, instructors may require students to either visit campus at specified times and locations to take one or more assessments or to obtain an instructor approved proctor to administer exams. If the proctor option is selected, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain an acceptable proctor.
Students must submit names, positions, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers of the potential proctors and locations where exams can be administered. Proctors and locations must meet with the approval of the instructor. Once an instructor approves a proctor and testing procedure, the RCC instructor will contact the proctor and arrange for delivery and return of the exam. The instructor, proctor, and student will agree upon the time and parameters under which the exam is given. Students are responsible for any fees charged by proctors.
Qualified Proctors May Be:
- Administrators of recognized private testing centers
- Administrators or full-time faculty at accredited universities, colleges, or community colleges
- Principals, associate/assistant principals, and counselors of US public schools
- US Forces Military Commanders of Field Grade or above
- Education Services Officers on US military installations within the US or overseas
- US embassy or consulate officials
Qualified Proctors May Not Be Friends or Family Members!
Again, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain an acceptable proctor. The process of identifying a proctor, obtaining approval, and exam coordination takes time. Students must make arrangements for a proctor and testing location at least two weeks prior to an examination. Failure to do so may result in a zero for the examination.
State Authorization and Online Learning
Information about State Authorization and Online Learning, Complaint Procedures and Processes, and Professional Licensure is located on the RCC website at Online & Distance Education [opens in a new tab]>Policies & Authorization/Student Complaints>State Authorization.
Grade Appeals Process
For a complete description of Robeson Community College’s grade appeals process, please refer to the section on Grade Appeals Process [opens in new tab] or you may access it under Academic Policies and Procedures.