2022-2023 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Dec 17, 2024  
2022-2023 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Some courses have prerequisites, corequisites and/or local prerequisites. These requirements, which were established to ensure student success, are identified under Course Descriptions. Students may not enroll in a course for which they do not meet the prerequisites by the time the course begins. A corequisite means that two courses must be taken at the same time. Under rare circumstances, when a student has limited options, a petition for local prerequisite waiver may be made to the program director of the instructional division offering the course. State prerequisites cannot be waived. Waiver of a local prerequisite does not exempt a student from completing the course. Students may be administratively dropped from any course for which they have not met the prerequisite.