2022-2023 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 07, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE)

Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE)

The RISE model places students into one of three pathways based primarily on their high school GPA and replaces prerequisite remediation with corequisite remediation. The RISE model should result in an increase in the number of students that successfully pass a gateway math and English within two years of enrollment.

High school GPA is the first placement measure for RISE. High school graduation must be from a U.S. high school within the past 10 years and there is no fourth math requirement.

RISE Placement Table
HS GPA 2.8+ HS GPA 2.2 - 2.799 HS GPA < 2.2
Gateway math or English without corequisite
Depending on benchmark score then math or English gateway without corequisite
Depending on benchmark score then math or English gateway without corequisite
Gateway math or English with a corequisite
Transition Math Course and/or Transition English Course

*Students with a high school GPA older than 10 years or no high school GPA will take a RISE Placement Test.

For a detailed placement guide go to Rise Placement Guide [opens in a new tab] . For more information about placement and how it applies to specific situations, or to schedule placement testing, contact the admissions office at 910-272-3342 or email admissions@robeson.edu.

Transition Courses

ENG 002 - Transition English  

MAT 003 - Transition Math  

Corequisite Courses

Gateway Course Corequisite Course
Corequsite Table
ENG 111   ENG 011  
MAT 110     MAT 010   
MAT 143    MAT 043   
MAT 152    MAT 052   
MAT 171    MAT 071   

Transition and Supplemental Program

The Transition and Supplemental Program is designed to prepare students for college-level coursework by developing their reading, writing, and mathematics skills required for entry into their curriculum courses.

Transition: Any person who has a high school diploma or a GED may enroll in transition courses. Transition courses are offered every term, both day and evening.

Supplemental: Supplemental courses are support courses that are taught as a corequisite with the regular curriculum course. Supplemental courses are currently offered during the fall and spring terms.

The number of courses needed and, consequently, the length of time required to complete the courses will vary. Some students may need only one course while other students may take several semesters to complete a series of courses. Depending on their individual circumstances and with the approval of their academic advisor, students may take a combination of Transition, Supplemental, and regular curriculum courses during the same term.


For applicants who have graduated from a high school that is legally authorized to operate in The United States and who graduated from that high school within 10 years of college enrollment the College will follow the Reinforced Instruction for Student Excellence (RISE) [opens in a new tab]  model. Only those applicants who graduated from high school more than 10 years ago and do not have transfer credit, or fall outside the categories in the Rise Placement Guide [opens in a new tab] , will be required to take the RISE placement test.

Attention Veterans: According to the Code of Federal Regulations, remedial courses may not be certified for payment if they are offered as independent study, distance/online learning, or hybrid course delivery. Each semester, Robeson Community College offers a selected number of remedial courses that a veteran student may enroll in that meets the eligibility requirements for payment. For more information, check with the Financial Aid Office.

Exit Criteria for RISE Transition Courses

ENG 002 Transition English is a NROC  10 unit mastery based course installed in the institution’s Learning Management System. There are two exit points, Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Transition English Tiers

Mastery of Tier 1

Units 1-6

Mastery of Tier 2

Units 7-10

ENG 111

With a corequisite

ENG 111

Without a corequisite


MAT 003 Transition Math is a NROC EdReady 17 unit mastery based course. There are three exit points, Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3.

Transition Math Tiers

Master of Tier 1

Units 1-8

Mastery of Tier 2

Units 9-12

Mastery of Tier 3

Units 13-17

MAT 110

without a corequisite

MAT 143 or MAT 152

Without a corequisite

MAT 171

Without a corequisite

MAT 143 or MAT 152

with a corequisite

MAT 171

With a corequisite



A student taking required RISE transition courses, ENG 002 Transition English or MAT 003 Transition Math, must earn a grade of “P1”, “P2” or “P3” in order to progress to a gateway course with a corequisite or a gateway course without a corequisite. A grade of “R” requires the student to repeat the course.

NOTE: RISE Transition English or math courses are not eligible for a grade of Incomplete.

A grade of “P1” is given when a student has demonstrated mastery of Tier 1 of transition English or math. A grade of “P2” is given when a student has demonstrated mastery of Tier 2 of transition English or math. A grade of “P3” is given when a student has demonstrated mastery of Tier 3 of transition math. For the RISE transition math course, mastery is defined as a score of 85 or higher on the tier assessment. For the RISE transition English course, mastery is defined as a score of 80 or higher on the final unit assessment and essay. The “P” grades are not included in the computation of GPA. However, for financial aid purposes, a grade of “P1”, “P2” or “P3” means that a student has made satisfactory academic progress.

A grade of “R” is given when a student has not demonstrated mastery of a tier and the student may have to re-enroll in the transition course. The “R” grade is considered a non-punitive grade and is not included in the computation of the GPA. However, for financial aid purposes, a grade of “R” means that a student has not made satisfactory academic progress. Financial aid will be affected by a grade of “R”.

Class Attendance

The Attendance Policy  sets the maximum number of absences to 15% of total contact hours for transition courses and 25% for curriculum and corequisite courses. Students who are dropped from the corequisite course will also be dropped from the curriculum gateway course.