2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information, Policies and Procedures


Column One Column Two
Policy and Procedures Links
Academic Policies and Procedures [opens in a new tab]   Parking 
Admissions Policy [opens in new tab]   Registration Procedures/Policies [opens in a new tab]  
Aids Policy [opens in a new tab]   Student Activities [opens in a new tab]  
Campus Law Enforcement/Campus Security [opens in a new tab]   Student Conduct [opens in a new tab]  
General Student Complaint Policy [opens in a new tab]   Student Grievance Procedures
Inclement Weather Policy   Student Rights
Information Technology Policy PDF Document [opens in a new tab]   Tobacco Use Policy [opens in a new tab]  


Robeson Community College publishes this catalog and student handbook in order to provide students and others with information about the College and its programs. The provisions of this publication are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between student and RCC. The College reserves the right to change any provisions, requirements or schedules at any time or to add or withdraw courses or program offerings. Every effort will be made to minimize the inconvenience such changes might create for students.

Dress Code

Robeson Community College stresses a standard of neatness, cleanliness, and appropriateness of attire.

Students should keep in mind that prospective employers visit the College and the employability of our graduates may be affected by the visitor’s impressions.

With this in mind, the following regulations are given for proper dress:

  1. Dress should be neat and appropriate at all times.
    (Appropriateness of dress will be dictated by the specific occasions.)
  2. Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times on campus.
  3. Caps and hats are not to be worn inside the classroom
    (unless required in your area of study).
  4. Academic programs may require students to adhere to defined dress code expectations as detailed in program handbooks.

Drugs and Alcohol Policy

The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are complex and immediate concerns in our society. From a safety perspective, the users and/or abusers of drugs or alcohol may impair the well-being of all employees, students, and the public at large, and may result in property damage to the College. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, it is the policy of Robeson Community College that the unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of a controlled substance or alcohol, is prohibited while on College premises, the College workplace, or as part of any College sponsored activity. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion and referred for prosecution. The specifics of this policy may be found at Counseling and Career Services in building 13 or by calling 910-272-3353.

Evacuation Instructions

Numerous natural and man-made conditions could make it necessary to evacuate the buildings from time to time. Plans have been formulated to provide for the orderly and rapid evacuation of RCC buildings. Evacuation instructions and diagrams are posted in each building and available at Safety and Security [opens in a new window] >Safety Procedures>Emergency Evacuation. Each student and employee are encouraged and expected to read, be knowledgeable of, and comply with these instructions and directions.

Student Grievance Procedure

The purpose of the Student Grievance Procedure [opens in a new window] is to provide a system for students seeking equity for what he/she perceives to be unfair treatment in student-student, student-faculty or student-staff interactions. Grievances to be considered through this process include those arising from Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the American Disabilities Act of 1991, or other similar legal requirements. For additional information concerning the guidelines of this procedure, please contact the Vice President of Student Services in the RCC Student Center.

After a student has exhausted the college’s complaint or grievance procedures, and the matter remains unresolved, please go to Filing a Complaint Against the College After Completing the College’s Grievance Procedure [opens in a new window]  for more information.

Title IX [opens in a new window] of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities which can include: Rape, Sexual Violence, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Dating Violence, Stalking, Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Coercion, and Pregnancy. Grievances arising from should follow the procedures outlined in Make a Title IX Claim [opens in a new Window].

Hazardous Chemicals

It is important that each student enrolled in a classroom which may expose the student to hazardous chemicals be knowledgeable of classroom hazards and the appropriate control measures. Students are encouraged to review hazardous chemical safety procedures described in the Emergency Procedures/Safety Plan; Chemical Hygiene Plan; and Exposure Control Plan Handbooks. All Safety Data Sheets/Chemical Inventory Management information is accessible via the RCC website for campus compliance.

ID Cards

Rule 14 of the Student Code of Conduct requires students to carry identification cards issued by the College and identify themselves to college officials upon request.  An RCC ID card is required for entry into the campus bookstore (Building 9), to obtain a campus parking tag, to checkout materials at the library, and for entry into all SGA sponsored functions. ID cards are valid for a period of two years from the date issued. The replacement cost to the student for an ID card is $5.00, which is payable at the cashier’s window in Building 2.

To obtain an ID card, students have the option of using our online application form, which can be found on the RCC ID Cards page [opens in a new window] of the RCC website (a Spanish version of the online form is also available on that same page).  Students can expect to receive their IDs via US mail in approximately two weeks.  

ID cards will only be made for registered students who have paid for their courses. Please allow 24 hours from your date of registration before applying for an ID. Per campus security, all headgear (headwear and/or facial scarves, etc.) must be removed for ID photos.  Exceptions can be made with special permission for cultural or religious reasons. Finally, when submitting headshots with the online application form, please utilize a plain-colored background and refrain from using filters of any kind.

Library Systems

The Robeson Community College Library maintains an online catalog. The Library also has access to other databases and information resources. Policies governing the use of the Library systems and resources are available through the Library. Users are reminded that the “acceptable use” statement and other policies contained in this guide also apply to the use of library resources.

Nondiscrimination Policy

Robeson Community College’s Board of Trustees and staff recognize the importance of equal opportunity in all phases of the College’s operations and has officially adopted a position of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or other non-relevant factors. This policy applies to both students and employees at all levels of the College’s operations.


All faculty, staff and student vehicles shall be registered and shall display a current RCC parking decal on the rear view mirror post. The decals are issued to students, staff, and faculty by the Cashier’s Office located in Building 2. A decal must be displayed on all vehicles to be operated on campus. If a decal is lost or stolen, it should be reported immediately to the Institutional Services Office in Room 502B, Building 5.

Vehicles are not allowed in the spaces reserved for disabled persons, visitors or areas reserved for official school vehicles. Any vehicle that is double parked, parked on curb, parked in unmarked areas, parked over the designated parking lines, blocking a drive way or in any way disrupting the orderly flow of traffic will be subject to a fine of $5 and/or be towed away at the owner’s expense. Parking in a space designated for handicapped persons is an infraction and carries a penalty of at least $50.00 but no more than $100.00. Please click Parking Regulations [opens in a new tab]  for a detailed list of parking regulations.

Handicapped Parking

Special parking facilities are available for students with physical disabilities in cars and vans. Spaces are marked appropriately throughout campus. All vehicles parked in a designated handicapped parking area must display a Handicapped License Plate or Handicapped Parking Placard. Persons parked illegally in designated handicapped parking spaces are in violation of General Statute 620-37.9 and will be issued an illegal parking ticket by the Lumberton Police Department with fines up to $100.00.

Privacy Rights of Parents and Students

Robeson Community College adheres to the guidelines developed by the Department of Education regarding the Privacy Rights of Parents and Students.

The College provides students and parents of dependent students access to official records directly related to them and limits dissemination of personally identifiable information without the student’s consent. Students enrolled at Robeson Community College may review guidelines and procedures regarding the disclosure of student information in the Educational Records [opens in a new tab]  section of this publication or on our website’s Registration Page [opens in a new tab]> Student Privacy & FERPA.

Robeson Community College Logo

Robeson Community College owns its name, its seal, logo and images, and no one may use the name, seal, logo or images of Robeson Community College on print or electronic communications without explicit permission. Permission is implied for uses related to work at Robeson Community College; examples distinguishing such uses: using letterhead is permitted for official correspondence but not for personal letters, and in the same way in cyberspace, using the college name and logo generally would be permitted for official web pages but not for personal web pages. Similarly, while the name “Robeson Community College” might appear on individual addresses or resumes for identification purposes, the official name of the college may not be used in ways that imply endorsement, oversight or ownership without explicit agreement with the college. Robeson Community College owns the domain name robeson.edu, and no one may use this domain address other than persons authorized by Robeson Community College.

Student Rights

The following is an overview of basic student rights.  For more specific information concerning these and other rights, students are directed to review the specific policy or procedure dealing with the issue of concern.

A. Students are free to pursue their educational goals.  The College shall provide appropriate opportunities for learning in the classroom and on the campus.  Student performance will be evaluated solely on an academic basis and not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards

B. Students have the right to freedom of expression, inquiry and assembly without restraint or censorship, subject to reasonable and non-discriminatory rules and regulations regarding time, place and manner. 

C. Students have the right to inquire about and to propose improvements in policies, regulations and procedures affecting the welfare of students through established student government procedures, campus committees and College offices.

D. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”) provides safeguards regarding the confidentiality of and access to student records and the College shall adhere to the FERPA laws and regulations.  Students and former students have the right to review their official records and to request a grievance if they challenge the contents of these records.  No records shall be made available to unauthorized personnel or groups outside the College without the written consent of the student involved or if a legal exception applies. Detailed information on FERPA and educational records can be found at Educational Records [opens in a new tab] .

E. No disciplinary sanctions, other than temporary removal from class or activity (only for duration of said activity) may be imposed upon any student without due process.  

F.  Students have the right to voluntarily withdraw from courses under certain criteria. 

G. Students have the right to be free from discrimination, harassment and sexual violence while attending the College and accessing the College’s programs and opportunities. If you need to file a complaint, click on the following link: How to file a Title IX Complaint [opens in a new window].

Smoking, Eating, Drinking and Radios

Smoking is not permitted inside of or within 50 feet of the entrance to any building on campus. Detailed information is contained in the institution’s Tobacco Use Policy [opens in a new window]  .

Snack machines are located in the Student Center and various locations on campus. Eating and drinking are not allowed in classrooms, shops, or laboratories. Please use the trash containers located in the Student Center and throughout the campus to properly dispose of trash.

Radios, personal stereos and recorders are not permitted in the student lounge, classrooms or buildings except for instructional purpose or sanctioned campus activities. These devices are permitted on outside areas of the campus as long as the volume is controlled and they do not disturb others.


Visitors are defined as anyone other than RCC personnel, officially enrolled students, members of the Board of Trustees, and members of the Foundation Board.

Visitors are permitted (and welcomed) on RCC property for participation in or attendance at RCC sponsored or approved activities/events and for use of the RCC library facility.

Employers wishing to recruit on campus must coordinate their visit with Counseling and Career Services or the Workforce Development Center.

Media representative are encouraged to inquire with the Public Information Officer prior to interviewing, photographing, or videotaping employees or students on the various RCC campuses.

Vendors/Contractors working for RCC must physically report to the Maintenance office upon arrival/departure to sign in/out and receive a visitor’s badge. This guideline applies to all contractors and vendors hired by Facilities who are performing work on the main campus or any satellite buildings.

Any unauthorized personnel on campus can be requested to leave the College’s premises. Refusal to leave the campus when requested will result in a request to the appropriate law enforcement personnel for removal. Trespassing charges may be filed.