Robeson Community College publishes this catalog and student handbook in order to provide students and others with information about the College and its programs. The provisions of this publication are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between student and RCC. The College reserves the right to change any provisions, requirements or schedules at any time or to add or withdraw courses or program offerings. Every effort will be made to minimize the inconvenience such changes might create for students.
AIDS Policy
- The primary goal of Robeson Community College in relation to AIDS will be education. There is no medical cure for AIDS. In addition, there is presently no vaccine to prevent further spread of the AIDS virus. Education about AIDS and its transmission is the most effective measure in the control of the disease. Information about the AIDS policy can be obtained from the Counseling/Advising Center and/or this publication. See also the General Campus Policies section and the college’s website at [opens in a new tab].
- Educational programs about AIDS will be available to all curriculum and non-curriculum students, college employees, faculty and staff.
- No person with AIDS, ARC, or confirmed HTLV-III antibody test will be denied admission to Robeson Community College on that factor alone. The College will analyze and respond to each case as required by its own particular facts. Persons with AIDS or AIDS-Related Conditions (ARC) represent no threat for AIDS transmission in the classroom and should be provided an education in the usual manner.
- All students will be encouraged to inform the Vice President of Instruction and Support Services if they have AIDS, ARC or positive HTLV-III antibody test. Strict confidentiality will be maintained of any information and will only be used by the College to provide persons with proper medical care and education.
- Robeson Community College will not screen students or employees for antibody to HTLV-III or require that they be screened. The AIDS Task Force will be familiar with sources of testing for antibody to HTLV-III and will refer students or employees requesting such testing.
- No specific or detailed medical information of complaints or diagnosis of students or employees with AIDS, ARC, or a positive HTLV-III antibody test will be given to faculty, administrators, or parents without the expressed written permission of the student. This position is covered by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as stated in this publication.
- Medical information will not be included in the student’s record as unauthorized disclosure of it may create liability. The number of people at Robeson Community College who are aware of the existence and/or identity of students or employees who have AIDS, ARC, or a positive HTLV-III antibody test should be kept to an absolute minimum.
Campus Law Enforcement/Campus Security
The mission of Campus Security is to provide the safest educational environment possible for all faculty, staff, students and visitors at all of RCC’s campus locations.
Campus security is provided by uniformed officers of the Lumberton Police Department. While on duty at RCC these officers possess all powers of sworn police officers to make arrests for both felonies and misdemeanors and charge for infractions. Officers are on campus during most periods when students and visitors are present.
The Main Campus is located within the city limits of Lumberton and is under the jurisdiction of the Lumberton Police Department.
The one Pembroke facility at COMtech is under the jurisdiction of the Robeson County Sheriff’s Department.
The EMT facility is not within city limits; and is under the jurisdiction of the Robeson County Sheriff’s Department.
Law Enforcement Support Agencies
NC State Bureau of Investigation
NC State Highway Patrol
Lumberton Police Department
Robeson County Sheriff’s Department
Pembroke Police Department
Access To Campus Facilities
All RCC Campus locations are open to faculty, staff, students and visitors during normal operating hours.
All persons, while on the premises, are expected and required to obey all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, as well as college procedures governing appropriate conduct.
Persons in violation of the above will be subject to any action deemed appropriate by competent authority.
The following procedure will be followed for access to campus buildings:
Accessibility During Closed Hours
There will be no access to RCC’s buildings during the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Access during other closed hours will be governed by the following procedures:
- Off-campus locations: Prior arrangements must be made and approved by the person responsible for these locations.
- Main Campus: Prior arrangements must be made with and approved by the Assistant Vice President, Director or other supervisor in charge of the building or facility. The Facilities Coordinator’s Office must be notified of the arrangements with times noted. The Security Guard or other such personnel on campus should be immediately located and notified upon arrival.
Students desiring access to any academic facility must be accompanied by a staff or faculty member. Two persons must be present at all times when using a facility such as a shop or laboratory where potential for injury exists.
Criminal Activity Reporting
Faculty/Staff/Students/Visitors: Known and suspected violations of Federal and North Carolina criminal laws will be reported to the College switchboard. The switchboard will notify the Vice President for Business Services or his or her designee in order that appropriate action may be initiated.
Note: In life threatening situations, staff and/or faculty members should immediately call 911 to summon appropriate Emergency Services.
Vice President for Business Services or his or her designee: will, upon notification of criminal activity:
- Involve (as necessary) the appropriate law enforcement support agency.
- Conduct necessary follow-up activities and file required documentation to the College administration.
Responsible Administrator(s): Will review campus crime reports with the Vice President for Business Services to ensure that:
- The data required by the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act is compiled and disseminated.
- Campus Crime prevention programs are followed with special emphasis placed on campus community involvement.
- The information flow stresses the necessity for individual awareness and that staff, faculty and students take some responsibility for their own personal safety.
Criminal Activity at Off-Campus Student Organization Sponsored Activities
Criminal incidents occurring off campus to students participating in a college function should be reported to the law enforcement agency having jurisdiction. The Assistant Vice President of Student Services and the Vice President for Business Services should be informed of the incident as soon as possible.
Dress Code
Robeson Community College stresses a standard of neatness, cleanliness, and appropriateness of attire.
Students should keep in mind that prospective employers visit the College and the employability of our graduates may be affected by the visitor’s impressions.
With this in mind, the following regulations are given for proper dress:
- Dress should be neat and appropriate at all times.
(Appropriateness of dress will be dictated by the specific occasions.)
- Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times on campus.
- Caps and hats are not to be worn inside the classroom
(unless required in your area of study).
Drugs and Alcohol Policy
The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are subjects of immediate concerns in our society. These problems are extremely complex and ones for which there are no easy solutions. From a safety perspective, the users and/or abusers of drugs or alcohol may impair the well-being of all employees, students, and the public at large, and may result in property damage to the College. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, it is the policy of Robeson Community College that the unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of a controlled substance or alcohol, is prohibited while on College premises, the College workplace, or as part of any College sponsored activity. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion and referred for prosecution. The specifics of this policy may be found in the Counseling/Advising/Career Center and on the college’s website at [opens in a new tab].
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness Prevention Program
Robeson Community College operates a drug abuse awareness prevention program for all students and employees. Counseling, information and referral services are provided by professionally trained counselors. Counselors are available to talk with anyone concerning drug/alcohol use. Counselors may be contacted directly or indirectly. Persons requesting anonymity may telephone the Counseling and Career Center for information without disclosing their names (272-3353). Referrals to external agencies may be appropriate in some situations. Counselors are knowledgeable concerning treatment, length of residential stay, costs, etc. of local outside agencies.
Evacuation Instructions
Numerous natural and man-made conditions could make it necessary to evacuate the buildings from time to time. Plans have been formulated to provide for the orderly and rapid evacuation of RCC buildings. Evacuation instructions and diagrams are posted in each building. Each student is encouraged and expected to read, be knowledgeable of, and comply with these instructions and directions. Copies of the Emergency Procedures/Safety Plan Handbook are available from the office of the Vice President of Continuing Education. The contents of this handbook are covered by the instructors in the classrooms.
General Student Complaint Policy
Individuals seeking redress for what they perceive to be unfair treatment or wishing to file a complaint regarding the policies, procedures or operations of Robeson Community College must follow the resolution procedures outlined below.
For Student Code of Conduct related concerns, individuals must follow the processes defined in the Student Code of Conduct Due Process guidelines. For individual grade and/or final grade issues, individuals must follow the Grade Appeal Policy. Detailed information pertaining to the Student Code of Conduct and/or the Grade Appeal Policy may be found in the current edition of the Robeson Community College’s Catalog and Student Handbook. The RCC Catalog and Student Handbook is available online at [opens in a new tab] and CD copies are available upon request from the Admissions Office.
The College is committed to responding promptly to reported complaints/appeals. Individuals must report any event or activity giving cause to initiate a complaint/appeal within five workdays of the incident. A workday is defined as any College operational day in which College offices are open for business.
Resolution Procedures
Step 1: In most cases, complaints/appeals can be resolved informally through communication between the individuals involved. To initiate the first step, the individual should:
- in matters in which the complaint/appeal involves a College employee, the individual with a complaint must schedule a conference with the College employee with whom the individual has a complaint or dispute. If appropriate, either party may request that the employee’s supervisor participate in the conference.
- in matters where the complaint/appeal does not concern a specific employee, but is related to seeking redress for what is perceived as unfair treatment or to file a complaint regarding a College policy, procedure and/or operational process, the individual must schedule a conference with the College employee that has administrative oversight for the area of concern.
In a timely manner (within five workdays), every reasonable effort should be made by both parties to resolve the matter informally. If the matter cannot be resolved, the individual may proceed to Step Two as defined in this policy.
Step 2: If the complaint/appeal is not resolved at the scheduled conference in Step One, the individual should file a written complaint/appeal with the appropriate vice president within five workdays following the conclusion of Step One. If the complaint/appeal directly involves a vice-president, the individual should submit their written complaint/appeal to the President. Upon receipt, the President will designate another College official to review the Step Two complaint/appeal.
The written complaint/appeal must include the following information:
- the name and address of the individual filing the complaint/appeal,
- a detailed statement of the nature of the complaint/appeal,
- reasons for dissatisfaction with the decision reached during Step One, and
- the desired resolution sought by the individual.
If an individual needs assistance in preparing their written complaint/appeal, the following staff members are available:
- Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management
- Director of Technology Enhanced Instruction
- Director of The Learning Center
After receiving the written complaint/appeal from an individual, the administrator will:
- review the complaint/appeal along with any supporting documentation,
- complete interviews with the parties involved, and
- if necessary, conduct interviews with other individuals to gather additional information.
After completing the review of the written complaint/appeal, the administrator will exercise one of the following options in writing:
- render a decision detailing a resolution to the issue or
- schedule a hearing with the administrator.
The administrator should complete Step Two within ten workdays of receiving the complaint/appeal. If a hearing is called, the administrator is responsible for notifying all individuals of the hearing date, time, and location.
Hearing Option
At the hearing, the individual and College officials may present relevant evidence in the form of witness testimony and/or written documentation. All hearings are recorded and the administrator conducting the hearing reserves the right to establish reasonable limitations as to the length of witness statements and of the hearing. Only individuals directly involved in the complaint may participate in the hearing.
Within five workdays of the hearing, the administrator will issue a written decision on the complaint/appeal to the individual. All information gathered for the hearing including the recording of the hearing shall be part of the complaint/appeal record.
Step 3 – Final Appeal: If the decision rendered by the administrator in Step Two is not satisfactory to the individual that filed the complaint/appeal, the individual may appeal the decision to the President or his/her designee. To appeal to the President or his/her designee, the individual must submit a written appeal within five workdays of the individual’s receipt of the administrator’s written decision. The final appeal must include the following information:
- the written complaint/appeal submitted in Step Two,
- a detailed explanation of the basis of the appeal including rationale as to why the decision reached in Step Two is not appropriate,
- desired action or resolution being sought.
The President or his/her designee will review the record of Step Two, conduct interviews as necessary, and render a decision. As part of the interview and review process, the President, at his/her discretion, may request additional supporting materials to better understand facts/issues in the case. The decision will be made in writing within ten workdays of the receipt of the appeal and the decision rendered is final.
General Principles
- Every effort will be initiated to ensure timely processing of complaint/appeal. At each step, the parties may mutually agree in writing to extend the completion time limits of a particular step. However, if there is no written mutual agreement to extend the time limits, and if the complaint/appeal is not filed within the time specified for the next step in this policy, the individual’s right to further appeal is terminated.
- Robeson Community College maintains a comprehensive record of all written complaints/appeals. The Assistant Vice-President of Student Services is responsible for maintaining the record of written complaints/appeals. Vice-Presidents are responsible for ensuring that documentation of all written complaints/appeals are forwarded to the Assistant Vice-President of Student Services. The following information regarding complaints/appeals are maintained: date of complaint/appeal, individuals involved in complaint/appeal, individuals involved in resolving the complaint/appeal, a brief summary of the complaint/appeal, and the final resolution. The College maintains the record of complaints/appeals to determine any patterns that would provide a basis for updating a College policy or process.
Student Grievance Procedure
Purpose - The purpose of the Student Grievance Procedure is to provide a system for students seeking equity for what he/she perceives to be unfair treatment in student-student, student-faculty or student-staff interactions. Grievances to be considered through this process include those arising from IX of the Educational Amendments Act of 1972, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the American Disabilities Act of 1991 or other similar legal requirements.
For additional information concerning the guidelines of this procedure, please contact the Assistant Vice President of Student Services in the RCC Student Center.
Hazardous Chemicals
It is important that each student enrolled in a classroom which may expose the student to hazardous chemicals be knowledgeable of classroom hazards and the appropriate control measures. Students are encouraged to review hazardous chemical safety procedures described in the Emergency Procedures/Safety Plan; Chemical Hygiene Plan; and Exposure Control Plan Handbooks.
I.D. Cards
Student identification cards are produced after each curriculum student has paid fees and tuition the first semester for which the student is enrolled for the academic year. The I.D. card will be valid for a period of two years from the date issued. Students must provide a registration form or paid receipt as proof of payment of fees. Students must follow the Student Services guidelines and policies to obtain an I.D. card. It is the student’s responsibility to review and follow these guidelines. Rule 14 of the Student Code of Conduct requires students to carry identification cards issued by the College and identify themselves to college officials upon request. ID cards are issued in the library during regular hours of operation.
The I.D. card will be the student’s ticket to SGA sponsored functions, activities, open computer labs, and their Library access card. In order for a student to use the open computer and math labs, a valid student ID is required by the first week of the semester. Possession of an I.D. card often provides the student with other advantages; i.e., store discounts, lower air fares, and lower fees at athletic activities. The replacement cost to the student for an I.D. card is $5.00.
Internet and Computer Network Acceptable Use Policy
Network Mission
The network, and its extension, the Internet, offer an abundance of educational material as well as opportunities for collaboration and the exchange of ideas and information. Robeson Community College recognizes the educational value of the Internet, and strongly encourages the responsible use of the network by all students and employees. Successful operation mandates that all users view the network as a shared resource, and work together to maintain its integrity by behaving in a responsible, conscientious manner.
This policy describes the types of network applications that are contrary to our network mission and which are therefore prohibited. These are guidelines only and are not meant to be an exhaustive list of prohibited activities.
Definition of User
A user is defined as any person who is not Information Technology Services Personnel who has been assigned a valid network logon by the network administrator. Such logons (or accounts) should be used only by the owner of the account in a legal and ethical fashion.
Privacy Rights and Security
Student and employee’s data files, email, and electronic storage areas are considered the property of Robeson Community College, subject to Robeson Community College’s control and inspection. The system administrator may access all such files and communications to ensure system integrity and user compliance with the requirements of this policy and any associated regulations. Students and employees should not expect that information stored on the network will be private.
Users are responsible for the use of their individual accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to prevent others from being able to use their accounts. Under no conditions should a user provide his or her password to another person. Users will immediately notify the Information Technology Services if they have identified a possible security problem relating to misappropriated passwords.
Robeson Community College takes all necessary steps to ensure your privacy. The institution does not collect nor share any personal information that could identify you, unless you affirmatively choose to make personal information available to us. Robeson Community College does not share any personal information provided by visitors such as email addresses or information submitted via online forms. This information is solely used to assist visitors as necessary. If the college cannot initially assist visitors, then we will redirect them to someone within the institution who is better suited to provide a resolution.
Prohibited Use
- Illegal or Destructive Activities
Users may not use the network for any purpose that violates the law- or threatens the integrity of the network or individual workstations. Prohibited activities include, but are not limited to:
- Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the network, or going beyond their authorized access. This includes attempting to log on through another person’s account or accessing another person’s files, attempting to obtain passwords, or attempting to remove any existing network security functions. Users will not actively search for security problems, as this will be construed as an illegal attempt to gain access.
- Intentionally developing or using programs to harass other users or attempting to violate the security or alter software components of any other network, service or system. Examples of such activities include hacking, cracking into, monitoring or using systems without authorization, scanning ports, conducting denial-ofservice attacks and distributing viruses or other harmful software.
- Attempting to damage hardware, software or data belonging to the college or other users. This includes adding, altering or deleting files or programs on local or network hard drives and removing or damaging equipment such as mice, motherboards, speakers or printers.
- Fraudulent use of credit card numbers to purchase online merchandise.
- Distributing or downloading licensed software or installing software such as games or music in violation of software license agreements (piracy). This includes any peer-to-peer file sharing.
- Inappropriate Material
Users will not use the network to access or distribute material that is obscene, pornographic, indecent or hateful, that advocates illegal acts or that advocates violence or discrimination toward other people. This includes but is not restricted to distribution through email, newsgroups or web pages. Exceptions may be made if the purpose of such access is to conduct research with approval from a faculty member.
- Respect for Other Users
Restrictions against inappropriate language or images apply to personal email, newsgroup postings and material posted on web pages. Users will not use obscene, profane, vulgar, inflammatory, threatening, cyber-bullying, or disrespectful language. Users will not post false, defamatory, or derogatory information about a person or organization or information that, if acted upon, could cause damage to individuals or property.
Users will not harass other persons through the network. Such harassment includes, but is not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, chain letters, or email spamming (sending an annoying or unnecessary message to a large number of people). If a user is told by a person to stop sending that person messages, the user must stop. Users will not post personal contact information about other people, including addresses, telephone number, home address, work address, etc. Users will not forward messages sent to them privately without permission of the persons who sent the messages. Users must not send email that does not accurately identify the sender, the sender’s return email address, and the email address of origin.
- Resource Limits
No software shall be downloaded from the Internet or email on a workstation without prior permission from Information Technology personnel. Software installed by any user other than IT personnel is considered a violation of policy. If authorized, users will download files at a time when the network is not being heavily used and immediately remove the file from the network server to their workstation. Users have a right to temporary use of disk storage space and are responsible for keeping their disk usage below the maximum size allocated. Extremely large files, if left on the network for an extended period, may be removed at the discretion of the Chief Information Officer.
Users will check their email frequently, delete unwanted messages promptly, and stay within their email quota. Where applicable, users will comply with state and federal statutes governing public record retention. Users will subscribe only to discussion group mail lists that advance and are relevant to their education or professional/career development. Users will unsubscribe to discussion groups before any vacation, break, or other extended absence from the college.
Users are to utilize the college email only for the purposes related to the college and performance of their jobs. Use of college technology, including email accounts, is limited to purposes related to the college and employees’ job performance. Use of college technology for private financial gain, advertising, solicitation, proselytization or fund-raising for any non-college purpose will be considered a violation of this policy.
- Theft of Intellectual Property
Users must respect the legal protection provided by copyright law and license agreements related to content, text, music, computer software and any other protected materials. Users will not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user. Users will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that specifies acceptable use of that work, the user shall follow the expressed requirements. If the user is unsure whether or not they can use a work, they should request permission from the copyright owner. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material such as through peer-to-peer networks, may subject users to civil and criminal penalties.
Personal Safety of Users
In order to better protect Robeson Community College users from offensive, obscene, or dangerous material, access to the Internet through the Robeson Community College’s computer equipment is subject to the following restrictions:
Virus Protection
To maintain a secure and reliable computing environment within our campus, Robeson Community College requires all computers connected to the network, or that could be connected to the network, to have a reliable and updated anti-virus scan program on each computer. This program must be updated and scans must be performed on a regular basis. The Information Technology Services shall maintain network-level anti-virus protection. Any person who knowingly introduces a virus, worm, or Trojan horse programs onto any computer or server is subject to disciplinary action, including restitution.
Security Awareness
All users who have access to computers, email, or other forms of electronic data must acknowledge that they have read and agree to comply with all Robeson Community College Policies and network security procedures adopted by Information Technology Services.
Username and Password
Robeson Community College requires all employees to be properly identified and authenticated before being allowed to access the college network. Users are responsible for safeguarding their passwords and are responsible for all transactions using their passwords. No individual may assign his or her account or password to any other person. Any person who deliberately makes their account available to an unauthorized user will incur termination of their account. Similarly, any person who fraudulently gains access to another person’s password or account will incur disciplinary action.
Network Security
Any and all actions that jeopardize the integrity and stability of the network by violating the network security standards outlined in the Acceptable Use Policy or other college policy is subject to disciplinary action commensurate to the level of risk or damage incurred.
Employees and students who are given written authorization may connect to the college network for college activities through a wired or wireless connection after demonstrating compliance with security procedures established by the Information Technology Services.
This policy prohibits wired or wireless connections of privately owned computing devices to the private college network. Privately owned computing devices are allowed to access the open non-secure college wireless network. The Chief Information Officer must approve any deviation to this.
Remote Access
This policy refers to connection to the college computing network from outside of the Robeson Community College network, such as from an employee’s home.
The computer systems, networks and data repositories of the college’s network are critical resources and must be protected against unauthorized access, malicious access, and disruption of service. Authorized users of the college’s computer systems, networks and data repositories may be permitted to remotely connect to those systems, networks and data repositories for the conduct of college related business only through secure, authenticated and carefully managed access methods.
Remote access (VPN) accounts will only be given in certain circumstances and must be approved by the Chief Information Officer.
Technology Hardware and Software Procurement
To maintain high levels of reliability, cost effectiveness, and interoperability of communications and data technology within the college, Robeson Community College requires all technology purchases, with the exception of toner/ink cartridges, to be approved by the Information Technology Services. All hardware and software that is nonstandard in nature must be approved through Information Technology Services.
Purchases of software must be approved through Information Technology Services.
Student Information System
Robeson Community College maintains a computerized database system (Datatel) for a wide variety of information management purposes. Much of the information is personal information on students, faculty, employees, alumni and friends of the college. Robeson Community College considers the security of this information to be one of the college’s most serious responsibilities, and accordingly, access to these databases is limited to persons who have a legitimate need to use the information to advance the academic and administrative goals of the college. Persons who are given passwords and have legitimate access to the information have a strict responsibility to ensure that this information is used appropriately, and that the privacy of persons identified through this information is strictly protected. This responsibility extends both to information available on computer screens as well as information available in print media, including all printouts, manual dossiers, correspondence files, directories, and similar forms of information banks.
Telephone System and Voice-Mail
Robeson Community College provides telephone and voice mail access for all faculty and employees. Full-time faculty and employees receive phone numbers and voice mailboxes when they begin employment at Robeson Community College. The same policies and expectations that govern e-mail also govern voice mail and telephone usage.
Any use of Robeson Community College telephones for any fraudulent or illegal purpose will incur severe penalties, including the possible involvement of law enforcement authorities as well as disciplinary action by Robeson Community College.
Telephone misconduct includes misuse of telephone credit cards, misuse of long-distance, theft of telephone instruments, and any related misconduct.
Blogs, Online Journals and Social Networking Sites
Robeson Community College recognizes the broad array of communications and networking tools available in the online environment. Robeson Community College is not responsible for any blogs, online journals, social networking sites or other communications and information tools except those that the college chooses to maintain officially on its website or in other locations. Only Robeson Community College’s officially maintained and approved website and other locations may use Robeson Community College’s logo, domain name and symbols.
Robeson Community College has no official relationship, nor does Robeson Community College approve, any communications or references that occur on other websites, blogs, social networking sites or other Internet locations.
Robeson Community College accepts no responsibility for materials that appear or communications or representations that occur on such external websites, including but not limited to,,,, and similar sites.
Robeson Community College reminds all students, faculty and employees that all communications and representations must be truthful in accord with Robeson Community College’s Honor System, regardless of the place where the communications occur. Additionally, Robeson Community College reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary action whenever Robeson Community College discovers dishonest, defamatory or illegal conduct online, even if the conduct occurs through an external website. Such conduct might include, but is not limited to, evidence of drug use or underage drinking, harassment or slander, child pornography and criminal activity of any kind.
Violation of Acceptable Use Policy
The college may at its sole discretion determine whether a use of the network is a violation of this policy. Violations of this policy may result in a demand for immediate removal of offending material, blocked access, suspension or termination of the users account, or other action appropriate to the violation. The college reserves the right to act without notice when necessary, as determined by the administration. The college may involve, and will cooperate with law enforcement officials if criminal activity is suspected. Violators may also be subject to civil or criminal liability under applicable law.
In the event there is an allegation that a student or employee has violated the Acceptable-Use Policy and Agreement, the student or employee will be provided with a written notice of the alleged violation and an opportunity to present an explanation before an administrator. Disciplinary actions will be tailored to meet specific concerns related to the violation and to assist the student or employee in gaining the self-discipline necessary to behave appropriately on a computer network. The Chief Information Officer has authority to disable any account where there is a violation of this policy.
Inclement Weather Policy
During periods of inclement weather, there may be times in which the College may close if the weather conditions present a safety hazard to students and college personnel. Inclement weather updates are posted on the College’s website. Additionally, members of the campus community can sign up for cell phone text notifications. Instructions for subscribing to this service are available on the College’s website. The following radio and television stations will be notified of official closings of the college.
Fairmont |
Fayetteville |
Fayetteville |
Laurinburg |
Fayetteville |
Red Springs |
Durham |
WTVD (Channel 11) |
Raleigh |
WRAL (Channel 5) |
Fayetteville |
WUVC (Channel 40) |
Wilmington |
WECT (Channel 6) |
Florence |
WBTW (Channel 13) |
Library Systems
The Robeson Community College Library maintains an online catalog. The Library also has access to other databases and information resources. Policies governing the use of the Library systems and resources are available through the Library. Users are reminded that the “acceptable use” statement and other policies contained in this guide also apply to the use of library resources.
Nondiscrimination Policy
Robeson Community College’s Board of Trustees and staff recognize the importance of equal opportunity in all phases of the College’s operations and has officially adopted a position of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, age, religion, disability, national origin, or other non-relevant factors. This policy applies to both students and employees at all levels of the College’s operations.
All faculty, staff and student vehicles shall be registered and shall display a current RCC parking decal on the rear view mirror post. The decals are issued by Institutional Services Department to students, staff and faculty located in Room 226, Building 2. A decal must be displayed on all vehicles to be operated on campus. If a decal is lost or stolen, it should be reported immediately to the Institutional Services Office in Room 226, Building 2.
Vehicles are not allowed in the spaces reserved for disabled persons, visitors or areas reserved for official school vehicles. Any vehicle that is double parked, parked on curb, parked in unmarked areas, parked over the designated parking lines, blocking a drive way or in any way disrupting the orderly flow of traffic will be subject to a fine of $5 and/or be towed away at the owner’s expense. Parking in a space designated for handicapped persons is an infraction and carries a penalty of at least $50.00 but no more than $100.00.
Section I - General Regulations
- These regulations constitute the traffic code of Robeson Community College and shall be applicable to all faculty, staff, students and any other persons operating a motor vehicle on RCC owned or controlled property.
- Traffic regulations are enforced at all times.
- RCC reserves the right to regulate the use of any and all of its vehicle parking facilities to the extent of:
- Denying vehicle parking privileges to an individual or group of individuals.
- Reserving vehicle parking facilities for the exclusive use of selected and designated individuals and/or groups.
- The responsibility for locating legal parking spaces rests with the operator of the motor vehicle.
- Non-enforcement of any specific regulation does not negate RCC’s authority to enforce that regulation in the future.
- RCC reserves the right to amend these regulations and to add, remove or re-allocate parking spaces as the need arises. These changes, if any, will be effective with the posting of signs and/or markings as appropriate and will be communicated in college publications.
SECTION II - Vehicle Registration
- It is the operator’s responsibility to keep his/her vehicle properly registered with the college at all times. To register a vehicle you must obtain a vehicle registration form from the Institutional Services located in Room 226, Building 2. You will be issued a mirror hang tag when you return the completed form. The hang tag must be hung from the rearview mirror.
- One vehicle hang tag will be issued per vehicle registered. Vehicle registration will be cross-referenced to student enrollment records and employment records. Termination of current enrollment or employment will terminate vehicle registration.
- The Student Services Department will be notified of change in enrollment or employment status by the appropriate office or department.
- Motorcycles and motor scooters must be registered and the parking decal affixed to the rear fender.
SECTION III - Driving and Parking Regulations
- Areas posted “No Parking” shall be enforced at all times.
- The maximum speed limit on campus is fifteen (15) miles per hour unless otherwise posted.
- Vehicle movement on campus is not to be obstructed by stopping or standing for any reason except to park.
- Driving or parking on lawns or walkways are prohibited.
- Pedestrians shall be given the right-of-way.
- All accidents involving motor vehicles shall be reported to campus Security.
- Vehicles illegally parked or abandoned on campus will be towed away and placed in commercial storage. Towing and storage charges shall be borne by the owner of the vehicle.
- Parking on or over white lines used to separate parking spaces is a violation.
- Individuals with repeated violations may be prohibited from driving or parking on campus.
- The following areas are off limits to general vehicles: loading and unloading areas, walking trails, shop ramps and enclosures, etc. Only maintenance, security, and grounds keeping vehicles may use these areas.
SECTION IV - Enforcement Procedures
- Campus traffic regulations as published by RCC shall be administered under the supervision of the Institutional Services Office. Under North Carolina Statutes, these regulations have the force and effect of ordinances of the state and shall be enforced as such.
- Campus police will issue citations to violators of most traffic and parking laws. In cases of moving or other major violations, campus police or other legally authorized law enforcement offices may issue citations of summons.
- Fine and Penalties
- In all cases where a summons to civil or criminal court is issued, the fine upon conviction will be set by the court judge.
- Citations given by campus police will carry a $5 fine.
- Recipients of campus citations will pay the fine at the cashiers office located in the Business Office in Building 2. Recipients of campus citations who do not agree with the citation may appeal the issuance of the citation to the V.P. for Institutional Services. His or her ruling is final.
- Students who do not pay fines during the current semester will not be able to register for the next semester. Diplomas and transcripts cannot be obtained until all financial obligations are met.
- Employees who do not pay their fines will be subject to dismissal pursuant to Article 60 of Chapter 133 of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
Handicapped Parking
Special parking facilities are available for students with physical disabilities in cars and vans. Spaces are marked appropriately throughout campus. All vehicles parked in a designated handicapped parking area must display a Handicapped License Plate or Handicapped Parking Placard. Persons parked illegally in designated handicapped parking spaces are in violation of General Statute 620-37.9 and will be issued an illegal parking ticket by the Lumberton Police Department with fines up to $100.00.
Privacy Rights of Parents and Students
Robeson Community College adheres to the guidelines developed by the Department of Education regarding the Privacy Rights of Parents and Students.
The College provides students and parents of dependent students access to official records directly related to them and limits dissemination of personally identifiable information without the student’s consent. Students enrolled at Robeson Community College may review guidelines and procedures regarding the disclosure of student information in the “Educational Records ” section of this publication or on our website at [opens in a new tab]
Robeson Community College Logo
Robeson Community College owns its name, its seal, logo and images, and no one may use the name, seal, logo or images of Robeson Community College on print or electronic communications without explicit permission. Permission is implied for uses related to work at Robeson Community College; examples distinguishing such uses: using letterhead is permitted for official correspondence but not for personal letters, and in the same way in cyberspace, using the college name and logo generally would be permitted for official web pages but not for personal web pages. Similarly, while the name “Robeson Community College” might appear on individual addresses or resumes for identification purposes, the official name of the college may not be used in ways that imply endorsement, oversight or ownership without explicit agreement with the college. Robeson Community College owns the domain name, and no one may use this domain address other than persons authorized by Robeson Community College.
Smoking, Eating, Drinking and Radios
Smoking is not permitted in any building on campus. Ash trays are located at building entrances to dispose of cigarette butts.
Snack machines are located in the Student Center and various locations on campus. Eating and drinking are not allowed in classrooms, shops, or laboratories. Please use the trash containers located in the Student Center and throughout the campus to properly dispose of trash.
Radios, “boomboxes” or personal stereos and recorders are not permitted in the student lounge, classrooms or buildings except for instructional purpose or sanctioned campus activities. These devices are permitted on outside areas of the campus as long as the volume is controlled and they do not disturb others.
The specifics of this policy may be found in the Counseling/Advising/Career Center and on the college’s website at [opens in a new tab].
We welcome all visitors, and ask that they report to the receptionist area in Building 2 or the Office of Admissions in Building 13 upon arrival on campus. All visitors must be accompanied by a tour guide and are subject to the regulations of the school while on campus. Former students are classified as visitors and must follow the same procedure. Any unauthorized personnel on campus can be requested to leave the College’s premises. Refusal to leave the campus when requested will result in a request to the appropriate law enforcement personnel for removal. Trespassing charges may be filed.