Robeson Community College encourages and supports student participation in a wide variety of extracurricular activities designed to complement the classroom experience. The RCC Student Government Association is responsible for promoting the general welfare of the College, encouraging student involvement in the governance of the SGA, providing avenues for input in institutional decision making and promoting communication between students, staff, and faculty. Composed of all currently enrolled curriculum students, the SGA provides direction, guidance, and oversight of the activity budget.
As a means of facilitation student involvement in campus decision making, students are encouraged and invited to participate in various standing committees, advisory committees, and ad hoc committees. The President of the Student Government Association serves as an ex officio nonvoting member of the RCC Board of Trustees. Other standing committees in which students serve as voting members include: Planning Council, Student Affairs Committee, Student Hearing Board, and the Resource Services Committee.
To get involved in campus governance, students are encouraged to contact elected officers of the Student Government Association or the faculty/staff advisor for the SGA.
Student Government
The Student Government Association is composed of all curriculum students who are enrolled at Robeson Community College. All SGA members are encouraged to be active participants in student affairs and to voice opinions and thoughts through their organization.
The President of the SGA is elected in April of each year. Other officers and representatives of the SGA are usually elected in September and provide leadership for the student body. The SGA sponsors athletic, social and wellness activities that enhance student campus life. Students are involved in school affairs, with active participation on various advisory and ad hoc committees. Representatives of the SGA usually attend state conferences of the Student Government Association in the North Carolina Community College System.
A budget governing the student activity fee for the following school year is recommended by the SGA in the spring. The budget usually covers special projects, student insurance, socials, and dances.
Student Publications
All student publications are governed and approved by the Student Government Association and the College’s administration. Student publications must be reviewed by the Editorial Committee for Student Publications prior to publication and distribution. The Committee will consist of the following persons: SGA President, SGA Advisor, Chairperson of the English Department, and an Assistant Vice President in Educational Services appointed by the Vice President for Instruction and Support Services.
Publications should follow the guidelines of standard English and MLA/APA documentation for sources. Misuse or abuse of such publications may cause termination or abolishment of an approved publication.
Athletics are available on a limited basis at RCC. A strong intramural program is encouraged. The RCC campus provides room for expansion and is adding to those activities requested that are within budgetary limits and college policy.
Special Events
The Student Government may sponsor other activities such as socials, films, speakers, and related activities that are of interest to the students. When such occasions arise, students are notified in advance and are encouraged to participate.
Student Government Association Scholarship
The SGA Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship that will be awarded in congruency with the below stated requirements. The officer must:
- Maintain a 2.5 GPA or higher
- Complete 15 hours per month in office time
- Attend all scheduled meetings. In the event that an officer cannot be present for all meetings, one absence can be excused per Executive board approval (absence must be excused by a majority vote of the Executive Board and the SGA Advisor).
- Attend all SGA sponsored events with one absence. In the event that an officer cannot be present for all events, one absence can be excused per Executive Board approval (absence must be excused by a majority vote of the Executive Board and the SGA Advisor).
The SGA Advisor and president will ensure that all officers have fulfilled the mandatory requirement before he/she is considered eligible for the scholarship. Once an officer reaches eligibility status, the officer will be awarded the scholarship for that semester. The scholarship, for the President, will be awarded in the form of a total reimbursement of their tuition and fees. For the remainder of the Executive Board each officer will receive $250.00. Disbursement of funds will occur at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
Alumni Affairs
RCC Alumni are special guests at SGA sponsored functions, as well as other functions sponsored by RCC. The RCC Foundation regularly communicates with RCC Alumni through newsletters, surveys, etc.
Campus Communication
The College’s website ( [opens in a new tab]) and MyRCC (link available from the College’s website) are used for official communication of the College. In order to stay informed concerning institutional announcements and upcoming activities, students are expected to check both websites on a regular basis.
Emergency Notification
Emergency telephone calls and messages for students are handled by counselors in the Counseling and Career Services. Only messages that are emergency in nature will be delivered to students. Any person requesting an emergency message delivered to a student will be asked the nature of the emergency in order to assist the counselor in addressing the emergency.
Mass Notification System
The Mass Notification System is a service that provides campus wide coverage indoor/outdoor by broadcasting emergency notifications over an electronic siren system. The outdoor system has a range capability of five miles, while the indoor system provides strategically located speakers with strobe lights for the hearing impaired. Upon notification of an emergency situation on campus, the Director of Security or his/her designee will activate the mass notification system which will in turn broadcast via live or pre-recorded message in the following order: Outdoor system, Indoor System, Callboxes, and then over the campus police two-way radios.
RCC Alert System
The RCC Alert System provides registered members (students/employees) with the ability to receive emergency notifications via live or pre-recorded voice messages. This service is utilized to broadcast important messages such as inclement weather, closings, and /or delays. In the event of an emergency, the Director of Security or his/her designee will notify members with an emergency message that is broadcast via cell, office, home phone, and/or email. It’s the registered member’s responsibility to ensure information entered in the system is correct and updated. To register for the RCC Alert System, visit the RCC website, [opens in a new tab] and select RCC Alert System located under Campus Security.
Lost and Found
Lost and found articles are handled in the Office of Records and Registration. Items found should be turned in promptly. Unclaimed items will be held for thirty days.
School Colors
The school colors are royal blue and white.
Student Government Constitution
Any student who runs for a SGA office must maintain a high standard for the school by upholding high standards and unquestionable personal conduct. Any student who has admitted to or been convicted of a felony is ineligible to run for an office or to remain in one of the elected offices. A prospective candidate for an office must be a full-time curriculum student. He/She must be free of any financial obligations to the College.
SGA Constitution Preamble
We, the students of Robeson Community College, in order to foster a spirit of cooperation among students and faculty, coordinate and regulate student activities, maintain a high standard for the school by upholding high standards and personal conduct, promote and encourage activities for the best interest of the school, and develop good citizens through experience in government, do hereby establish this constitution for the Student Government of Robeson Community College.
Article I-Names and Objectives of Organization
Section A
The organization shall be known as the Student Government Association. There shall be a smaller body, consisting of student representatives and officers, which shall be known as the Student Council.
Section B
The purpose of the organization shall be to foster a spirit of cooperation among students and faculty; to coordinate and regulate student activities; to maintain a high standard for the school by upholding high standards of personal conduct; to promote and encourage activities for the best interest of the school; to develop good citizenship through experiences in government.
Article II-Qualifications of Members
Section A
The members of the Student Government Association shall consist of all students enrolled in curriculum credit courses who pay an activity fee.
Section B
The members of the Student Council shall consist of one representative from each curriculum and the five elected officers.
Section C
The term of office for all members of the Student Council shall be one year.
Section D
There shall be a faculty advisor selected by the administration of the College.
Section E
The SGA Executive Committee members and SGA representatives must attend all meetings or have a legitimate excuse for not doing so. A member who does not attend regularly may be asked to resign the position.
Section F
If SGA representatives cannot be present at a meeting, with a legitimate reason, they must assign someone to attend in their place.
Article III-Officers, Their Election and Duties
Section A
The officers of the Student Government Association shall be elected by Australian ballot during the month of October.
Section B
The representatives shall be elected by SGA members of their specific curriculums.
Section C
The duties of President of the SGA shall be:
- to acquire a working knowledge of parliamentary law and procedure and a thorough understanding of the constitution, bylaws, and standing rules of the organization;
- to serve as chief executive officer of the organization;
- to preside over all the meetings of the Executive Committee and the SGA;
- to appoint, with the consent of two-thirds of the Executive Committee, all persons to fill the unexpired terms of elected officers, should vacancies occur;
- to appoint, with the consent of the Executive Committee, the chairmen of all standing committees;
- to serve as an ex-officio member of such committees if he/she so chooses;
- to have knowledge of the records and monies of the organization;
- to perform all other functions pertaining to the office;
- to call periodic meetings of the Executive Committee and the Student Council at his/her discretion;
Section D
The duties of the Vice President of the SGA shall be:
- assume the duties of the President should the President, for any reason, be unable to meet his/her duties;
- to fulfill any duties as delegated by the President;
- to chair any important committee.
Section E
The duties of the Secretary of the SGA shall be:
- to maintain the records of the SGA;
- to serve as recorder of the Executive Committee;
- to distribute a copy of the minutes of the Executive Committee and the SGA meetings to all members;
- to assist in all other areas that the Executive Committee may deem desirable;
- to inform all members of the time and place of scheduled meetings;
- to file copies of records and minutes in the office of the faculty advisor;
Section F
The duties of the Treasurer of SGA shall be:
- to receive monies from student-sponsored activities and to deliver these monies to the Business Office for deposit;
- to keep a record of expenditures and receipts, and make a report of the finances at each meeting of the SGA.
Section G
The duties of the Parliamentarian of the SGA shall be:
- to maintain parliamentary order at meetings of the SGA;
- to serve as an advisor for any procedural problems;
- to assist in all other areas that the Executive Committee may deem desirable;
- to maintain adherence to the rules in the Robert’s Rules of Order in all cases to which these are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of the SGA.
Section H
The duties of the representative of the SGA shall be:
- to attend all meetings and to report to the students of their respective curriculum the proceedings of the SGA meetings;
- to report to the Student Council any suggestions made by the students of his/her curriculum;
- to participate in all student functions.
Article IV-Meetings of Organization
Section A
The Student Council shall meet whenever it is necessary in order to carry on the business of the SGA. The President of the SGA shall call the meetings and shall be responsible for giving proper notice to all members of the Student Council.
Article V-Amendments
Section A
An amendment to this constitution may be adopted by a three-fourths vote of the student body present and voting.
Article-I Qualifications and Election of Officers
Section A
The President of the Student Government Association shall be any first year student of a two-year curriculum who is enrolled full-time.
Section B
The Vice President of the Student Government Association shall be any member of the SGA who is enrolled full-time.
Section C
The Secretary of the Student Government Association shall be any member of the SGA who is enrolled full-time.
Section D
The Treasurer of the Student Government Association shall be any member of the SGA who is enrolled full-time.
Section E
The Parliamentarian of the Student Government Association shall be any member of the SGA who is enrolled full-time.
Section F
The election of all officers of the SGA, except the President of the SGA, shall be held in October. The elections shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.
Section G
To run for an office, a candidate must have signatures of at least 10% of the voting membership.
Section H
Installation of officers and representatives will take place at an assembly within two weeks after their election to office.
Section I
To run for an office, a student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and maintain this minimum GPA during his/her term of office. An incoming freshman who has not earned a GPA, must earn it by the end of his first semester and maintain a GPA of 2.0 to remain in office. Failure to maintain a 2.0 GPA will result in replacement of an officer with appointment of a new officer by the means prescribed in Article III, Section C, Item 4.
Article II-Rules
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern in all cases to which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Article III-Amendments
These bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, provided previous notice has been given in calling the meeting.
Article IV-Committees and Their Rules
Section A
There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the five officers of the SGA. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be as follows:
- to plan the agenda, time and place of meeting;
- to call special meetings upon petition of a majority of members;
- to interpret the constitution;
- to maintain close liaison with the school administration and with the Student Council advisors.
Section B
There shall be a Constitution Committee, the duty of which shall be to review the constitution periodically and to propose any changes deemed necessary.
Section C
There shall be a Publicity Committee, the duty of which shall be to inform all students of the Student Government activities.
Section D
There shall be an Activities Committee, the duty of which shall be to plan activities to help promote school spirit.
Section E
There will be an SGA suggestion box in the Student Lounge at all times. Therefore, SGA will know where SGA improvements are needed.
Section F
If the SGA Executive Committee and SGA representative feel that a member of the SGA is not fulfilling his/her duties, they will, therefore, vote and if the majority feels the same, the person will be asked to give up this position.