Scholarships are established with gifts from donors to the Robeson Community College Foundation and are either endowed or non-endowed. Endowed scholarships are generated through the investment of permanently held principals so that only the income from the principal is used for scholarship awards. This enables the scholarships to exist perpetually. Non-endowed scholarships are those for which all funds are dispersed as scholarships rather than held as long-term investments. These scholarships are commonly referred to as “annual scholarships.”
Criteria for awarding scholarships are specified by the donor in conjunction with Foundation staff. Foundation scholarships are awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters, subject to the availability of funds. Scholarships are subject to change without notice. Students should contact the Robeson Community College Foundation Office for more information.
Earl and Joyce Antone Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2003 through a gift of real estate by former RCC Foundation Board member Earl Antone and his late wife Joyce, a retired educator, this scholarship supports second year Robeson County students in any curriculum program.
I. Murchison Biggs Family Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2006 by the I. Murchison Biggs Family, the Murchison Biggs Family Endowed Scholarship honors the memory of former College attorney “Murk” Biggs and supports students who are Robeson County residents.
BB&T Endowed Scholarship
Established originally in 1994 by Southern National Bank whose merger with Branch Banking and Trust allowed the latter to complete the endowment, the earnings can be used by the RCC Foundation for its General Scholarship Fund, the Hector McLean Program of Public Affairs, Humanities and Cultural Art, or to provide a scholarship each year to first or second-year students enrolled in an Associate in Arts program.
BB&T Finance Professionals Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in November 2008 by BB&T to support students pursuing a career in the field of finance upon graduation. This merit based scholarship will be awarded to students who have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours and who are enrolled in College Transfer or Business Curriculum programs.
BlueScope Annual Scholarship
The BlueScope Annual Scholarship was established by BlueScope Steel in 2014 to assist pursuing degrees in Industrial Systems Technology or certificates in the Welding program.
Sarah M. Britt Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2007 by Mrs. Sarah Britt, who was a Business instructor at the college from 1966-1994, this scholarship will be awarded to qualifying students enrolled in the Business Administration program.
Bullard Restaurant Group-Drew & Clif Bullard Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was created through the generous donation of the Bullard family. Student must be enrolled in the Culinary Arts program or Business Administration program, be enrolled in 12 credit hours or more, and have a 2.5 or higher GPA.
Drs. Joseph & Annette Burke Endowed Scholarship
The Drs. Joseph & Annette Burke Endowed Scholarship was established in 2015 by Dr. Joseph Burke and Dr. Annette Burke.
Business-Accounting Faculty Annual Scholarship
The Business-Accounting Faculty Annual Scholarship was established by the RCC Business & Accounting faculty to assist students in the Accounting and Business Programs.
Henry M. & Helen W. Callis Endowed Book Fund
Established in December 2001 by RCC’s 2001 Teacher of the Year, Mary Ash, and her husband, Andrew, along with her siblings, Kenneth and Ruth Ann Butler; Ralph and Donna Callis; Marshall and Alvetta Callis; Reed and Minde Callis; Martha Callis; and Robert Reed and Susie Callis in honor of their parents, Henry M. and Helen W. Callis. This scholarship supports the cost of books for students in curriculum programs.
Campbell Soup Supply Company Endowed Scholarship
The Campbell Soup Supply Company Endowed Scholarship was established by the company in 2010 to support students enrolled in the Electrical/Electronics, and Industrial Systems Technology programs.
The Charles V. Chrestman Spring RCCAEOP Scholarship
This scholarship was established by members of Robeson Community College Association of Educational Office Professionals. Student must have declared a course of study in a RCC business related curriculum program (Business Administration, Information Technology, Medical Office Administration or Office Administration) and currently enrolled at least half-time (6 hours) for the current semester. The student must be a Robeson County Resident, have an overall 3.0 or higher GPA in an area of study, be active in RCC student activities, and have completed 24 credit hours in a business related curriculum.
James A. Comstock Memorial Scholarship
The James A. Comstock Memorial Charitable Trust has helped expand an interest in the Electrical Installation and Maintenance, Industrial Electrical Systems Technology, and Industrial Systems Technology programs in our community and supports scholarships in these programs if funding is available.
Lanadika Nicole Cooper Endowed Scholarship
Established in August 2014 by Shelly and Delorean Jacobs in memory of their daughter, Lanadika Nicole Cooper, that lost her life at the age of 10 from the flu. Their goal is to help kids financially attend college with the same dreams Lanadika had. This scholarship is to be awarded to someone enrolled in the Criminal Justice Technology Program.
David and Michelle Cox Endowed Nursing Scholarship
Established in 2009 by David and Michelle Cox, this annual scholarship supports students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program.
Sammy and Onita Cox Endowed Nursing Scholarship
RCC Trustee and Foundation Board member Sammy Cox established this scholarship in May 1998 to honor his wife Onita Cox. Mrs. Cox is a graduate of Robeson Community College’s Associate Degree Nursing program. This endowment funds annual scholarships in support of students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program.
Ray Garrett Deese Endowed Scholarship
Shunda Deese and Betty Todd established this scholarship in 2011 in memory of Ray Garrett Deese. This scholarship supports students pursuing a culinary degree and give preference to students who are Veterans or active duty military.
Charles F. and Betty C. Edens Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2003 by longtime friends of the College, Betty C. Edens, and her late husband, Charles F. Edens and supports Robeson County students with a minimum of 30 credit hours in a curriculum program.
William M. Espey Memorial Annual Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2014 by Thomas and Annie Espey in memory of their son, William M. Espey.
Four Winds Heritage Group Golf Tournament Scholarship
The Four Winds Heritage group independently and throughout the year sponsors events and programs to enhance the Saddletree community. During the spring the heritage group hosts its annual golf tournament. The proceeds from the tournament are earmarked specifically for scholarships. The heritage group made the decision to partner with the RCC Foundation and award their scholarship to a deserving RCC student. The club truly believes that education is the key to success. The scholarship is tailored for any student who presents a financial need and who is a St. Pauls or Lumberton High School graduate.
Gail O. Gane Respiratory Therapy Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2012 in memory of Gail O. Gane by her family, friends, and co-workers; this endowment supports students who are pursuing a degree in Respiratory Therapy and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Dwight & Gail O. Gane/Kiwanis of Robeson-Lumberton Annual Scholarship
Established in 2013 in memory of Gail O. Gane, this scholarship was established by the Kiwanis of Robeson-Lumberton to help the educational needs of Lumberton/Robeson County residents who attend Robeson Community College. It assists students who are enrolled in the Respiratory Therapy program.
Jeremiah M. Goodson Jr. Memorial BLET Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2016 by Lumberton City Councilman, Burnis Wilkins, in memory of Jeremiah M. Goodson, Jr. This scholarship supports students in the Basic Law Enforcement Training program.
Linda Hammond Endowed Scholarship
The Linda Hammond Endowed Scholarship was established by Charles and Jessica Hammond to honor Charles’ mother, the late Linda Hammond. The scholarship is designed to assist a Robeson Community College student pursuing a career in Early Childhood Development.
Linda B. Hammond Scholarship
This scholarship, established in honor of Linda B. Hammond by Charles and Jessica Hammond, helps a female student who present a financial need and plans to transfer to a 4-year institution.
Eula Mae Harrell Endowed Scholarship
Established in March 2001 by Lavendar Locklear in memory of Eula Mae Harrell, the earnings from this endowment are used to fund students who are enrolled in the Office Systems Technology or Business Administration curriculums with exceptional academic merit.
Marilyn Suggs Humphrey Annual Scholarship
Established in 2008 by Dr. J.C. Humphrey, former Public Schools of Robeson County Administrator, in memory of his wife, the late Marilyn Suggs Humphrey, this scholarship provides support to students enrolled in the Business Administration Program who have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours.
Vicky and Bill Hunt Annual Scholarship
This scholarship, established in 2016 by Lorisa Strong, a Robeson CC Graduate, is for fully admitted nursing students. Ms. Strong was a Foundation scholarship recipient and chose to give back to the college to assist others with books and tuition.
Edna Trinity Mazell Hunt Memorial Scholarship
Established in 2015 by Clifton Oxendine, a faculty member at Robeson Community College, in honor of his niece Edna Trinity Mazell Hunt for students in the Early Childhood program who are single parents and present a financial need.
Dr. Mark O. Kinlaw Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established by faculty and staff at Robeson Community College to honor long-time employee, Dr. Mark O. Kinlaw.
James B. & Evelyn Johnson Kirkland Early Childhood Endowed Scholarship
Mrs. James B. Kirkland established this endowment to honor his wife Evelyn Kirkland for her contribution to early childhood education.
Kiwanis of Robeson - Lumberton/J. Luckey Welsh, Jr. Health Science Annual Scholarship
This scholarship was established by the Kiwanis of Robeson to help the educational needs of Lumberton/Robeson County residents who attend Robeson Community College. In 2005 the scholarship was renamed in honor of Kiwanis’ Charter Member J. Luckey Welsh, Jr. It assists students enrolled in Health Science programs.
Lumbee Guaranty Bank Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2008, the Lumbee Guaranty Bank Endowed Scholarship supports eligible students studying Business Administration, Office Administration Technology, or Computer Technology.
Lumberton Lions Club Workforce Development Scholarship
The Lumberton Lions Club Workforce Development scholarship was established by the Lumberton Lions Club in 2016. The scholarship supports students in the Workforce Development programs, and the student must be a Robeson County resident.
Lumberton Rotary Club Memorial Annual Scholarship
Established by the Lumberton Rotary Club to help the educational needs of Robeson Community College students, this scholarship assists graduates of Lumberton High School enrolled in a health related program that will lead to an associate degree.
Lumberton Tourism Development Authority DBA Lumberton Visitor’s Bureau Annual Scholarship
This scholarship was established to support students enrolled in the Office Systems Technology or Business Administration Curriculum who are Lumberton residents and who plan to work in Lumberton after graduation.
M&M Annual Scholarship
Lisa O. Hunt and Brenda K. Jacobs, Robeson Community College employees, established this scholarship in 2012 in memory of their mothers, Mary Jane Locklear Scott and Margie J. Oxendine.
Minority Male Achievement Program Annual Scholarship
Established in 2015 by the MMAP for members of the MMAP who maintain a 2.5 GPA with financial need.
Henry A. & Martha B. McKinnon Endowed Scholarship
The Henry A. & Martha B. McKinnon Endowed Scholarship was established in January 2012 by an estate gift. Students must have a minimum of 15 semester hours in a curriculum program, be enrolled in 9 or more credit hours in the current semester, have a 2.5 or higher GPA, have financial need and must be a legal resident of Robeson County.
John Luther & Isabelle Gray McLean Endowed Scholarship
Established in January 1997 by the McLean family, this scholarship supports students with a minimum of 30 credit hours in a curriculum program.
John “Taylor” McMillan Endowed Scholarship
The John “Taylor” McMillan Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 by the administrators of Parkton Presbyterian Church and Parkton Methodist Church. To qualify for this scholarship, students must be Robeson County residents, have a financial need, be a full-time student and have a 2.5 or higher GPA.
Pat “Tickie” McNeill Art Endowed Scholarship
Family and friends of longtime RCC art instructor Pat “Tickie” McNeill established this scholarship in her memory in 2004. The scholarship will provide assistance for students who have an appreciation for art.
Metzger Early Childhood Education Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 by Donald E. Metzger and his wife Linda in order to support Early Childhood Education students who do not receive federal Pell Grant support.
Dr. J. Irvin and Anne Moss-Biggs Endowed Scholarship
Established through a gift of stock by former RCC Foundation Board Member, Anne Moss-Biggs, in June 2001 in memory of her husband, Dr. J. Irvin Biggs, this scholarship supports Robeson County students with a minimum of 30 credit hours in a curriculum program.
Dr. J. Irvin & Anne Moss-Biggs Culinary Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2005 by former RCC Foundation Board Member, Anne Moss-Biggs, in 2005 in memory of her husband, Dr. J. Irvin Biggs, this scholarship provides support to students who are enrolled in the Culinary Program.
Raymond & Shirley Pennington Endowed Scholarship
Established in February 2008 by Ray & Shirley Pennington, this scholarship supports students pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.
PIKA Boys-Chapel Hill Annual Scholarship
The PIKA Boys Scholarship was established through the generous donation of the PIKA Boys-Chapel Hill during the Foundation’s 29th Annual Clifford Bullard Memorial Golf Tournament.
Piedmont Natural Gas Annual Scholarship
The Piedmont Natural Gas Scholarship is used for students in the Industrial Technology, Welding, and HVAC programs. This partnership will strengthen Robeson Community College’s industry relationships and enhance the scholastic endeavors of Industrial Technologies Students.
Julian T. Pierce Memorial Fund Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2013 through the partial proceeds of the 1st Annual Julian T. Pierce Memorial Art Dinner in honor of Julian T. Pierce. Pierce was a civil rights activist and founder of Lumbee River Legal Services in Pembroke, which is now the North Carolina Legal Aid. The Pierce Scholarship goes to an outstanding student from Robeson County with a financial need.
Dr. J. Graham Pittman Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Hal Pittman and his wife, Dr. Timona Pittman, established this endowment in 2000 in memory of their brother and brother-in-law, Dr. J. Graham Pittman of Fairmont, NC. Preference is given to students who are enrolled in the College Transfer curriculum.
Gary N. Powers Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2007 in memory of Mr. Gary N. Powers by his family and is designed to assist curriculum program students who are residents of Robeson County.
Evelyn M. Price Endowed Scholarship
Established in December 2005 by Robeson Community College Foundation Board member and retired Fashion Bar owner, Evelyn Price, this scholarship supports students who are enrolled in 9 or more credit hours.
Lillie “Marcella” Rachels Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2008 by Ms. Rachel’s daughter, Mary Proctor, and the Rachels family, this scholarship supports students enrolled in a Nursing/Health Science curriculum or Nurse Aide program. Students must maintain a minimum 2.5 grade point average to receive this scholarship.
Ray V. and Ann Revels Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1999 by former faculty and RCC Trustee Board member, Ann Revels, in memory of her husband. Mr. Revels was a charter member of the RCC Foundation Board of Directors. Mrs. Revels was the first faculty member hired to teach at Robeson Community College. This scholarship supports students with a minimum of 30 credit hours in a curriculum program.
RCC Alumni Annual Scholarship
The RCC Alumni annual scholarship was established by the RCC Alumni Executive Committee. Funding is acquired through fundraising efforts and Alumni membership dues. First preference is given to Active RCC Alumni who wish to further their education.
John & Vista Robertson Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2015 by Johnny Robertson, Foundation Board Member, and his brother Jeff to honor the life and contributions of their parents. The scholarship is for students in a health related field with a career interest in palliative care.
Robeson Community College Association of Educational Office Professionals Student Scholarship
Established by members of the Robeson Community College Association of Educational Office Professionals Chapter. This scholarship is designated to second year business students who have declared a course of study in a RCC business technology related curriculum program, is enrolled at least half-time, and has an overall 3.0 or higher GPA .
Robeson Community College Foundation High School Scholarship
Provided there are adequate funds, the RCC Foundation Board of Directors awards scholarships to a graduating senior from each high school in Robeson County including the adult high school on our campus. Students apply at their respective high schools, are selected by their principal or committee and awards are provided upon successful enrollment at the College.
Robeson County Home Builders Association Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2011 by the Robeson County Homebuilders Association and its members, this scholarship will be awarded to qualifying students enrolled in Business Technology, Industrial Technology, or a College Transfer program.
Robeson Scholars Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2008 by the Smithfield Foods Learners to Leaders Program, now the Robeson Scholars Program, this endowment provides scholarships to students who have participated in the high school Learners to Leaders Program and enroll at Robeson Community College. Each student will receive a scholarship for tuition, fees and expenses along with an allowance for books.
Robeson Technical Works Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2016 to assist students enrolled in the Electrical Systems Technology program and the Industrial Systems Technology program. Robeson Technical Works is a partnership comprised of area industrial employers, business leaders, Southeastern Human Resources Association members, educators and several other groups and individuals.
Dr. & Mrs. A.J. Robinson Nursing Scholarship
This scholarship honors the memory of Dr. Arthur J. Robinson and was established by the medical community in Lumberton in 1999 for students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Dr. Robinson earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and Biology from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania and his medical degree at Howard University Medical School. After his internship he moved his family to Lumberton where he established his medical practice, treated prisoners, served as medical director for recreation and education programs, served as director of the Cancer Institute and was a member of the medical staff at Southeastern Regional Medical Center.
Florence G. Rogers Charitable Trust Annual Scholarship
Established in February 2000 by administrators of the Florence Rogers Charitable Trust, this scholarship provides assistance to Health Science students who demonstrate financial need with first preference to students from Cumberland County.
Florence G. Rogers Charitable Trust Book Fund Annual Scholarship
Established in April, 2005 by administrators of the Florence Rogers Charitable Trust, this scholarship provides textbook assistance to Health Science Students who demonstrate financial need with first preference to students from Cumberland County.
Rust Enterprises Scholarship
The Donor wishes to make it possible for employees of Rust Enterprises’ McDonald’s to be eligible for a scholarship award that will assist them in their quest for higher education as students at the Robeson Community College. A recipient of the Rust Enterprises Scholarship Award will be either an entering or an enrolled student who is employed by Rust Enterprises, Inc. To be eligible to receive the scholarship, the employee must be either entering Robeson CC and therefore accepted for admission in the coming term, or an enrolled student who matches Robeson CC’s requirements for graduation by maintaining a 2.0 GPA. Additionally, the student who receives the scholarship is a Rust Enterprises, Inc. employee of no less than 3 months, and works an average of 24 hours per week. Upon notice of an employee’s eligibility and qualification, Rust Enterprises, Inc. will submit payment to the College. The intent is for these awards to be made per semester in the amount of $500.00 to eligible employees.
Clyde and Charlotte Sessoms Endowed Scholarship
A General Scholarship for first or second year students, this scholarship was established in 1996 by former RCC Foundation Board member Clyde Sessoms and his wife.
Lee Sessoms Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2012 by the friends and family of Mr. Leroy Sessoms who was a long-time employee of Robeson Community College. This scholarship supports Lumberton High School graduates who are in financial need and have a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation’s Rosa Belle Williams Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2003 by Ms. Afeni Shakur-Davis, CEO and President of the Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation, this scholarship was endowed in memory of Ms. Shakur- Davis’ mother, and her late son’s grandmother, Ms. Rosa Belle Williams. Ms. Williams was born in Lumberton, NC. This scholarship supports Lumberton resident students in curriculum programs.
Lucy B. Simmons Business Administration Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2009 in honor of Mrs. Lucy B. Simmons, a former English instructor at Robeson Community College and former educator for Lumberton City Schools and the Public Schools of Robeson County.
St. Albans Masonic Lodge #114 Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 2006 by members of St. Albans Masonic Lodge number 114 in Lumberton and supports Robeson County students who are enrolled in the College Transfer curriculum.
Commissioner Jerry L. Stephens, Sr. EMS Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2009 by County Commissioner District I, Jerry L. Stephens in honor of Jerry L. Stephens Sr., this scholarship supports students studying Emergency Medical Services.
Patricia M. Terrell Book ‘Em NC Scholarship
This scholarship was established in honor of Patricia M. Terrell. Recipients of this scholarship are required to complete community service by working with the Book ‘Em NC event that is held on the campus of RCC.
Marilyn H. Threewitts Endowed Scholarship
Al Threewitts established this scholarship in memory of his wife, Marilyn H. Threewitts.
Trinity Episcopal Church Women’s Allied Health Annual Scholarship
Established in August 2006 by Trinity Episcopal Church Women’s Group, this scholarship is designated to assist students in the Health Science field.
Bill & Mayme Tubbs Presidential Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2010 by Bill & Mayme Tubbs, this scholarship supports students pursuing an Associate’s Degree. Criteria for this scholarship is chosen by the College president.
James Turner BLET Annual Scholarship
The James Turner BLET annual scholarship was established by the Red Springs Rotary club scholarship board. The scholarship was created to honor Mr. James Turner who was an avid police department volunteer.
Ronald “Ron” G. Turbeville Nursing Endowed Scholarship
Established in February 2006 by Ron’s sister, Lynda Turbeville, this memorial scholarship provides assistance to first or second year Health Science students who demonstrate financial need. Preference is given to middle-aged students in the Associate Degree Nursing curriculum.
United Way Pathway to Success Scholarship
This scholarship will provide financial support to students in programs that provide opportunities for immediate employment upon completion. Students must be enrolled in the Single Stop program before scholarship funds are dispersed. Students must be seeking a diploma in Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Technology, Practical Nursing, Surgical Technology, Welding or Cosmetology. Students must be residents of Robeson County and have a 2.0 GPA.
Rendal and Mary Lynn Walters Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1997 by former RCC Foundation Board member and Vice president of Contempora Fabrics, Inc., Mr. Rendal Walters and his wife. This scholarship supports students in a curriculum program.
Evelyn P. Warwick Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in November 1999 by Charles Warwick in honor of his wife Evelyn and assists student heads of household with minor children.
Karen Weinstein Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2008 by former North Carolina Senator David F. Weinstein in memory of his wife Karen, this scholarship supports students enrolled in the Cosmetology Program. It was also established in honor of Hilda McNeill and Cathy Fipps.
Bill & Sue Wester Endowed Scholarship
Established in May 2006 by RCC Board of Trustees Member, Sue Wester and her husband Bill, this scholarship supports students in Diploma Programs.
Bruce Williams Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship was established in 1990 by Southern National Bank employees in honor of Bruce Williams, President and Chief Operations Officer of Southern National Bank of North Carolina, and former RCC Foundation Board Member. This scholarship supports students in a curriculum program.
Eliza and Fred G. Williams, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Established by RCC’s second president, Fred Williams, and his wife Eliza Williams, in 1999 to reflect their belief the value of the institution to our community, this scholarship supports educational needs identified through the College and approved by the Foundation Board of Directors. It also helps to support the President’s Academic Scholarships each semester as funding permits.
Millie Ann Wooten-Powers/Rosa P. McLellan-Thomas Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2009 by Dr. Gust D. Davis, Jr. in honor of his wife Afeni Shakur-Davis, grandmother and greatgrandmother, this scholarship supports students pursuing study in Business Administration, Early Childhood Education or Computer Information programs and any future programs in Organic Farming; with preference to single mothers over the age of 40 who are displaced workers.