2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook 
    Feb 14, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Admissions Policy

Robeson Community College maintains an “Open Door” policy for all applicants that are high school graduates or hold a high school equivalency certificate (GED) which satisfies North Carolina standards. The College serves all students regardless of race, color, creed, sex, disability, or national origin. All applicants may be admitted to the different curricula based upon individual preparation and readiness. Some applicants may need to take a course or a series of courses to help them to prepare for their desired program of study. Robeson Community College reserves the right to selectively place students. The Admissions Office is responsible for administering all admission policies.

Application and information on the various educational programs offered at Robeson Community College may be obtained by contacting:

Office of Admissions
Robeson Community College
Post Office Box 1420
Lumberton, North Carolina 28359
Phone: (910) 272-3342
Website: www.robeson.edu [opens in a new tab]

Application and information on the various educational programs may also be found on the College’s web site: www.robeson.edu [opens in a new tab].

All Robeson Community College general admission policies and procedures are updated on an annual basis by the Student Affairs Committee.

General Admission Requirements

  1. High School graduate or the equivalent - Applicants with equivalency certificates must meet minimum requirements set by North Carolina. A high school certificate is not an acceptable substitute for the diploma.
  2. Complete an RCC Admissions Application in person or online at: www.robeson.edu [opens in a new tab]. There is no application fee.
  3. Transcripts of all previous education - Obtain official transcripts of credits earned from all secondary and post-secondary schools attended. Transfer credits from accredited institutions allowed when applicable. Official transcripts should be mailed or hand delivered in an envelope sealed by a representative of the institutions(s) attended. (No faxed copies will be accepted) Homeschooled graduates will need to provide a sealed official and notarized transcript including the graduation date and proof that the home school was registered with the state.
  4. Placement - For applicants that have graduated from high school that is legally authorized to operate in North Carolina and who graduated from that high school within five years of college enrollment, the College will follow the NCCCS Multiple Measures for Placement Policy (see Policy Using High School Transcript GPA and/or Standardized Test Scores for Placement). Applicants that do not meet the criteria for consideration  under the Multiples Measures for Placement Policy will follow institutional assessment policies detailed in the following paragraphs.

The placement assessment does not determine whether or not students can attend RCC. The purpose of the assessment is to match the academic readiness of the student with the academic requirements of the curriculum. Persons applying for admission into all diploma or degree programs are required to complete the assessment. The test may be waived in certain circumstances (See Placement Assessment Waiver). Placement scores are used in conjunction with previous transcripts in determining whether students are academically ready to enter a particular curriculum.

Testing is administered in the following areas: Reading, Writing, Write Placer (Essay), and Mathematics. Persons should contact the Admissions Office to schedule the placement exam. A testing date will be scheduled after the official transcripts are on file in the Admissions Office. There is no charge for taking the test. Any person who has a disability that would require special accommodations during testing should notify a counselor in Counseling and Career Services prior to scheduling a test date.

Placement Assessment Waiver

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT) may eliminate the necessity to take the Placement Test in some situations. Also, students with fifteen hours of earned transferable credit including English and Math from an accredited college (grade of C or higher with an overall GPA of 2.0) may be exempt from placement testing. Applicants should contact Admissions or Counseling and Career Services at RCC to determine if they can be exempt.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

Associate Degree Nursing and Practical Nursing applicants are required to take the TEASV. Additional information about the exam may be obtained in Admissions.

Transferring Assessment Scores from Other Colleges

Robeson Community College uses the College Board’s Accuplacer and the ACT Compass. These tests are national assessments that can be taken at other colleges and transferred to Robeson Community College. Applicants who wish to take the test, or who have taken the test at another college, need to request to have their scores sent to the RCC Counseling and Career Services. To facilitate the process of transferring scores, “Test Score Request” forms are available from the RCC Admissions Office and the Counseling/Testing Services.

Scores delivered by the applicant will not be accepted unless the report is in a SEALED envelope with an official’s signature across the seal. All test scores are valid for five (5) years.

  1. Complete an interview with an admissions representative - The primary objective of the interview will be to focus on the educational goals of the applicant. The test results will be used in conjunction with the high school/ college transcripts to assist the applicant in selecting an appropriate program of study. Applicants not realizing acceptable scores on the ACT ASSET, COMPASS, Accuplacer, or NC DAP may be required to successfully complete course work designed to assist students in preparing for RCC curriculums. The Office of Admissions and/or academic counselor will work with the student in developing a sequence of courses to prepare the student for entry into the approved curriculum.

Admission of Undocumented Immigrants- An undocumented immigrant may apply and enroll in curriculum courses at Robeson Community College if he/she graduated from a United States public high school private high school, or home school that operates in compliance with state or local law. Undocumented immigrants with a General Educational Development (GED) diploma are not eligible to be admitted to a community college. An undocumented immigrant with a diploma from Adult High School that is located in the United States and operates or operated in compliance with state or local law is eligible to be admitted to a community college.

An undocumented immigrant shall not be considered a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes. All undocumented immigrants will be charged out-of-state tuition. Students who are lawfully present in the United States will have priority for a space in a class or program of study; if there are space limitations.

An undocumented immigrant shall take into account that federal law prohibits states from granting professional licenses to undocumented immigrants (i.e. Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Radiography, Surgical Technology, Cosmetic Arts programs, etc.). Refer to the NC Administrative Code 23 NCAC 02C.0301 (admission to colleges).

RCC Retest Policy

ACCUPLACER Placement Test

  1. Students who complete the college’s placement test are allowed only one retest session on the Reading & English assessment, WritePlacer essay assessment or NC DAP math assessment per year within 30 days of the initial test. Test scores are valid for 5 years.
  2. Students will be placed according to the most recent test score or highest score obtained.
  3. Students who elect to retest will be charged a $5 fee per unit.
    1. The Reading and English assessment is considered one unit; the WritePlacer essay is considered two units. Math is considered one unit.
    2. Students must obtain a Retest Form and pay the cashier prior to re-testing. The receipt will be stapled to the Retest Form; both must be presented to the testing administrator.
  4. Prior to retesting, it is recommended that students complete a review class (online or face-to-face). Information regarding the schedule is available in the Testing office.
  5. Students may not retest while enrolled in a pre-college course (DMS or DRE) or after an unsuccessful completion of the course. Once students begin the pre-college sequence, they must complete it as outlined on their educational plan, prior to enrolling in the gateway English or math course.

Other RCC Test Policies

Career and College Readiness Math 050

Students who place into Career and College ReadinessS courses (Reading & Writing) and Math 050 will be required to complete a post-test after completion of coursework.

Early College

Robeson Community College has established a testing procedure for Early College students which allows students to test once a semester until they earn the minimum required scores to enter curriculum courses.

Placement is scheduled in the fall and spring semester for Early College students. The testing procedure allows students who did not meet the desired placement scores established by RCC and the NCCCS on their first attempt, to test again the following semester. The College allows retesting for ECHS students so they can remediate in areas where the minimum score was not achieved. All remediation for ECHS students is provided by the Public Schools of Robeson County. Remediation is required before they are allowed to test again.

Career and College Promise

Students applying for the Career and College Promise Pathways must demonstrate college readiness on an assessment or placement test. If a student does not demonstrate college readiness on the placement test, the student can be provisionally enrolled in a College Transfer Pathway upon meeting other academic criteria.

Health Sciences Admission Policy

All inquiries for admission into Health Science programs should be directed to the Admissions Office.

Admission to a Health Science Program is a competitive process. Interested students are advised to attend an information session at least two semesters prior to their planned enrollment.

Students applying for the Emergency Medical Science, Associate Degree Nursing, Practical Nursing, Radiography, Respiratory Therapy or Surgical Technology program admission must:

  1. Meet all general admissions requirements as outlined in the current Robeson Community College Catalog/ Student Handbook.
  2. Complete any developmental course work with a “C” or higher before making application to a health science program.
  3. Have cumulative grade point average of 2.8 or higher in related and general education course work for the health science program of interest.
  4. Adhere to the submission timelines specified in the Health Science admissions procedure.

Provisional approval may be offered to applicants based on fulfillment of all admission requirements and criteria by the specified deadline. Final approval for admission will be made by the appropriate Health Science Program Director.

Health Science Programs – Essential Functions Needed for Completing Health Science Programs

The following guidelines are utilized in admitting qualified students: The activities identified below are examples of physical and emotional activities, which a student in the Health Science Program (Emergency Medical Science, Nursing, Nurse Aide I, Nursie AideII, Radiography, Respiratory and Surgical Technology) must be able to perform for the successful completion of the program. If an applicant believes that he or she cannot meet one or more of the standards without accommodation or modification, the applicant should consult Counseling and Career Services.

  1. Critical thinking: Health Science students shall possess critical thinking ability sufficient for the clinical judgment.
    Example: Students must be able to identify cause-effect relationships in clinical situations, develop or participate in development of nursing care plans.
  2. Ethical behavior: Health Science students will provide services with respect for human dignity and uniqueness of the client unrestricted by consideration of social or economic status, personal attribute, or the nature of health problems.
    Example: Students will care for clients assigned regardless of race, religion, or diagnosis.
  3. Legal behavior: Health Science students will provide care within the scope of practice as stated in the NC NURSING PRACTICE ACT or guidelines for respiratory therapy, radiography and surgical technology.
    Example: Students in the nursing program will learn to assess the patient’s physical and mental health.
  4. Interpersonal skills: Health Science students shall possess interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, groups, etc. from a variety of psychosocial cultural backgrounds.
    Example: Students shall establish rapport with clients and health care team members.
  5. Communication skills: Health Science students shall possess communication abilities sufficient for verbal and nonverbal interaction with others.
    Example: Students shall be able to explain treatment procedures to clients/family, document client responses, and report to others responses to nursing care.
  6. Mobility: Health Science students shall possess physical abilities sufficient to move from room to room and maneuver in small spaces, stand and walk for extensive periods of time.
    Example: Students will be able to move around in client’s room, move from room to room, move in small work areas, and administer CPR.
  7. Motor skills: Health Science students shall possess gross and fine motor skills sufficient to provide safe and effective nursing care.
    Example: Students shall be able to calibrate equipment, position clients, administer injections, insert catheters.
  8. Hearing skills: Health Science students shall possess auditory ability sufficient to monitor health needs and collect data.
    Example: Students shall be able to hear alarms, listen to heart and breath sounds, and hear a cry for help.
  9. Visual skills: Health Science students shall possess visual ability sufficient for observation and data collection.
    Example: Students shall be able to observe color of skin and read scale on a syringe.
  10. Tactile skills: Health Science students shall possess tactile ability sufficient for data collection.
    Example: Students shall be able to detect pulsation and feel skin temperature.
  11. Weight-bearing: Health Science students shall possess the ability to lift and manipulate/move 40-50 pounds.
    Example: Students shall be able to move equipment, position patients.

Policy Using High School Transcript GPA and/or Standardized Test Scores for Placement

(Multiple Measures for Placement)

The Multiple Measures for Placement Policy establishes a hierarchy of measures that colleges will use to determine students’ readiness for college-level courses:

  1. A recent high school graduate who meets the specified GPA benchmark will be exempt from diagnostic placement testing and will be considered “college-ready” for gateway math and English courses.
  2. If a recent high school graduate does not meet the GPA benchmark, the college will use specified ACT or SAT subject area test scores to determine placement.
  3. If a recent high school graduate does not meet the GPA threshold or have college-ready ACT or SAT scores, the college will administer the diagnostic placement test to determine placement.
  4. If an applicant does not have a recent high school transcript or ACT or SAT scores, the college will administer the diagnostic placement test to determine placement.
Multiple Measures for Placement Policy

Unweighted GPA = or >2.6
Four High School Math Courses*

Student is college ready for any gateway math course and any course that has a DMA prerequisite. Colleges may require students to take a supplemental math lab as a co-requisite, based on college policies.


Unweighted GPA = or > 2.6
and Four High School Math Courses*

Student is college ready for any English course up to and including English 111 and any course that has a DRE prerequisite. Colleges may require students to take a supplemental English composition lab as a corequisite, based on college policies.


Unweighted GPA = or >2.6
Four High School Math Courses*

Student is college ready for any gateway math course and any course that has a DMA prerequisite. Colleges may require students to take a supplemental math lab as a co-requisite, based on college policies.

Unweighted GPA<2.6

College will evaluate subject-area ACT or SAT scores to determine if student is college ready in math and English using the following scores (based on national and state validation studies):

English: ACT Reading 22 OR ACT English 18
               SAT Writing 500 OR SAT Critical Reading 500

Math: ACT Math 22
           SAT Math 500


Unweighted GPA <2.6 and subject-area score(s) below college ready

Student will take subject-area State Board-approved assessment(s) to determine placement.


Students without a recent transcript GPA or without ACT or SAT scores

Student will take subject-area State Board-approved assessment(s) to determine placement.

  1. This policy applies to an individual who has an official transcript grade point average (GPA) from a high school that is legally authorized to operate in North Carolina and who graduated from that high school within five years of college enrollment.
  2. For students who apply for admission before they graduate from high school, colleges will consider a student’s cumulative GPA at the end of 1st semester of 12th grade or ACT/SAT test scores in determining placement.
  3. Colleges will establish local policies regarding using GPA for placement for students with transcripts from out-of-state high schools.
  4. Colleges must use State Board-approved cut scores to place students into the appropriate developmental math (DMA) module or reading/English (DRE) course.
  5. Colleges will establish local policies to allow students who are assessed near college ready on the diagnostic assessment to co-enroll in a college course and the appropriate developmental education module/course that is a prerequisite for the college-level course.
  6. The North Carolina Community College System will review student placement and success rates within two years of implementation of this policy and will report to the State Board of Community Colleges.

* To be eligible for Multiple Measures for Placement, a high school student must complete four math courses, including Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II (or the Common Core equivalents) and one additional math course. Eligible 4th math courses are listed on the NCCCS document: Eligible 4th High School Math Courses for Multiple Measures Placement. The System Office’s Program Division will update this list as needed in consultation with the Department of Public Instruction.

March 2015
Eligible 4th High School Math Courses for Multiple Measures Placement

High School 4th Math Courses:

Advanced Functions and Modeling
AP Statistics
AP Calculus
Discrete Mathematics
Integrated Mathematics IV
International Baccalaureate Mathematics

Community College 4th Math Courses
(Taken in Career & College Promise Pathways):

MAT 143  (Quantitative Literacy)
MAT 151 (Statistics I)
MAT 152  (Statistical Methods I)
MAT 155 (Statistical Analysis)
MAT 167 (Discrete Mathematics)
MAT 171  (Pre-Calculus Algebra)
MAT 172  (Pre-Calculus Trigonometry)
MAT 200 or above

Foreign Student Admissions and Transfer Credit

Foreign students must meet the same admission requirements as other students. Included with the application should be a transcript from an authorized school or university. In addition an English translation of the transcript must be provided by a reputable credential evaluation service. All applicants from countries whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in the English language by scoring no less than 550 on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or present other acceptable proof of the ability to speak, write, and understand the English language.

Robeson Community College does not issue the I-20 necessary to obtain an F-1 visa. Student with other visa types will be considered on an individual basis. For additional information concerning international student admissions, contact the Director of Admissions.

Special Credit Students

Students may be admitted under special provision that allows them to take up to twelve semester hours of credit courses before completing all admission requirements. Prior to registering for any additional hours beyond the twelve semester hours students must declare a major and complete all admission requirements. The only exception to the twelve hour policy is for the special credit student who intends to maintain that classification indefinitely and is not seeking a certificate, diploma, or degree. However, a special credit student must maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to continue as a student. The level of courses taken will determine the category of satisfactory progress under which the student will be evaluated.

Notification of Acceptance

Prospective students will be granted acceptance/approval during the interview process. Students will receive a copy of their Educational Success Plan which will show program approved for, program code, and required courses needed to begin the enrollment process.

Credit by Examination

Advanced placement is offered to applicants approved for enrollment who because of their demonstrated abilities are qualified to accelerate their studies. To earn advanced placement, a student may take a proficiency examination in most subject areas which he/she can demonstrate a mastery of theory and practical application. To be eligible to request a proficiency, all appropriate prerequisites must be met. For a complete description of policies relating to Credit by Examination, please refer to section on Credit by Examination  under Academic Policies and Procedures .

Credit by Transfer

Transfer students should follow the admission procedures established for regular students listed under admission requirements. Robeson Community College may accept credits earned from post-secondary institutions that are accredited by a State, Regional, or National Educational Accrediting Agency recognized by the American Council on Education. Only course grades of “C” or better will be accepted and such courses must parallel the content of RCC courses. For additional information and policies governing the awarding of transfer credits, please refer to the section titled “Program Completion Requirements ” in this publication.

All applicants having credits transferred from another institution to RCC must submit an official transcript, and if necessary an appropriate catalog, to the Director of Admissions. Applicants who wish to transfer from other educational institutions must be eligible to return to the school last attended. Any exception to this procedure must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Student Services and only then by justifiable cause.

The Registrar, in consultation with appropriate faculty, will determine the transfer credit allowable. This evaluation will be made at the time of acceptance and the student will be notified in writing. Transfer credits will be posted to the student’s permanent record once a student is enrolled. In addition, transferring students must complete a minimum of twenty-five (25) percent of the total number of credit hours required for a diploma or degree program at Robeson Community College.

General Readmission Policies

Application for readmission is required of all students when one or more years have elapsed since their last enrollment. Students who have been suspended for disciplinary or academic reasons must appear before the Assistant Vice President of Student Services and petition for readmission to the College.

Health Sciences Readmission Policy

All inquiries for readmission for Health Science programs should be directed to the Director of Admissions. Applicants applying for Health Science program readmission must meet all general admissions requirements as outlined in the current Robeson Community College Catalog/Student Handbook. Upon receipt of required documentation, all inquiries for readmission will be reviewed by the appropriate Health Science Program Director and the Director of Admissions for action. Final approval for readmission will be determined by the appropriate Health Science Program Director. Applicants must meet current admission requirements. All requests for readmission must adhere to the timelines specified in the Health Science admissions procedures.

Applicants who exited the Health Science program within the last twelve (12) months must request readmission prior to 90 days of the semester for planned enrollment. Positions must be available in the class at the time of request for readmission, which will not require the hiring of additional instructional or clinical personnel.

Right of appeal – Upon notification, applicants have the option to appeal their readmission denial within five business days. The applicant must submit the appeal in writing to the Assistant Vice President for University Transfer and Health Science Programs. The Assistant Vice President will make a decision within three business days and provide a decision in writing to the student. If the decision provided is not acceptable to the student, the student may appeal the decision within three business days to the Vice President for Instruction and Support Services. The Vice President will render a decision in writing to the student within three business days. The decision of the Vice President is final.

Student Right-To-Know

The Student Right-To-Know Act of 1990 requires the College to make available to enrolled and prospective students the graduation or persistence rates of selected groups of students. This information is available on the college’s website at www.robeson.edu/gainfulemp [opens in a new tab].