2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College and Career Readiness

General Overview

The College and Career Readiness Division has the responsibility of administering Robeson Community College’s C&CR programs which include Adult Basic Education, Adult High School, Adult Basic Education Transitions, English as a Second Language, Family Literacy, and High School Equivalency. The purpose of these programs is to identify, enroll, and guide eligible adults toward satisfying literacy needs and hopefully achieving a high school diploma or its equivalent. Students having a high school diploma or its equivalent and report competencies needed are eligible to enroll in the program.

Registration is free for all adults who have not completed high school. Textbooks are provided by the college and instructional materials used have been prepared with emphasis on individual needs and interests.

All adults 18 years or older are eligible to enroll in our basic education program. Minors, 16-17 years of age, under special circumstances, may enroll with permission from the public school superintendent and college president.

All C&CR programs are free to participating students. Textbooks and other instructional materials are supplied by RCC.

Each enrolled student is evaluated to determine educational needs and periodically tested to assess progress toward fulfilling goals. Upon completion of goals, students are either advised to further educational endeavors or referred to programs toward developing technical and occupational skills.

Both daytime and evening classes are held in various communities through out of the county for the convenience of students. Class sites include RCC facilities, public schools, community buildings, industrial sites and Sheltered Workshop. Partnerships are created with various community, state and federal agencies or institutions to enhance efforts toward eliminating functional illiteracy. Transportation is provided for students attending day classes.

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Adult Basic Education is a program designed to improve a person’s skills in speaking, reading, writing, and arithmetic. These skills are not developed as isolated bits of knowledge, but are related to practical situations adults deal with in everyday life. The materials used are designed to prepare students to perform daily literacy activities, improve employability, and prepare for entering the adult high school or High School Equivalency Diploma.

Classes are organized on the following levels:

Level One: Nonreaders through grade five; basic reading, writing, mathematics.

Level Two: Grades six through eight; reading improvement, writing, mathematics.

Family Literacy Education (Family Lit)

The Family Literacy program provides free childcare assistance in the classroom. This unique opportunity allows parents to remain responsible caregivers yet manage their studies toward a high school diploma; advancing their career opportunities; and building the reading, writing, and communication skills that will be important tools in their role as their child’s “first teacher.”

Upon completing the program, students will have gained proficiency in the following areas:

  • Development of Basic Math Skills
  • Development of Fundamental Computer Skills
  • Development of Critical Thinking Skills
  • Development of Effective Communication Skills

Prerequisites: Adults 18 years or older.

(Minors 16 and 17 years old meeting RCC criteria may be enrolled if they meet certain guidelines)

The Family Literacy program is open to a student who:

  • Is a parent with a child four years of age or younger
  • Does not have a high school diploma or its equivalent
  • Scores 9.0 or above on both the Reading and Mathematics sections of the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) – Test into AHS
  • Scores 8.9 or below on both the Reading and Mathematics sections of the TABE (Test for Adult Basic Education) – Test into ABE
  • Has a high school diploma or High School Equivalency (HSE) and scores 8.9 or below on the TABE
  • Has an approved source of picture identification, such as a valid driver’s license, personal passport or official United States identification documents

Registration and books are free!

Adult Basic Education Transitions (ABET)

College and career readiness at Robeson Community College, adult basic education transitions program (ABET) is designed for students who are 18 years of age and have a documented intellectual disability. The ABET classes are intended to prepare students for independent living in transitional phases of life.

Upon completing the program, students will have gained proficiency in the following areas:

  • Development of Social, Economic, and Community Service Skills
    Students will learn to describe the functions of area business and community services and have an understanding of money management and budgeting.
  • Development of Independent Survival andLife Skills
    Students are taught basic hygiene and to identify proper nutrition standards.
  • Development of Communication Technology
    Students will learn how to use electronic devices and computers, with attention to safety and reasonable use.

In addition, the ABET division was approved to implement the project search program. Project search is a unique, business lead, one year school-to-work program that takes place entirely at the workplace. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration, and hands-on training through worksite rotations. Upon completion of this program students are assisted with finding jobs in their local community.

English As A Second Language (ESL)

The ESL Program is designed for persons who have limited English proficiency. Conversational English will be stressed, as well as vocabulary, spelling, and reading as it relates to everyday life. In addition, instruction in citizenship will be provided for those adults wishing to seek U. S. Citizenship. Materials are designed with these adults in mind, and are related to practical situations adults deal with in everyday life. Registration is free.

Adult High School Program (AHS)

The Adult High School Diploma Program provides a student the opportunity to earn the Adult High School Diploma. Classes are organized whenever and wherever there is a justifiable demand and funds are available.

The entrance level of each student applying for admission to the Adult High School Diploma Program shall be determined in one of the following manners:

  1. An assessment of academic skill by standardized tests administered upon enrollment.
  2. A certified transcript from a state or regionally accredited secondary school showing courses and years of work completed. Copies of these transcripts should be forwarded to the Transition Coordinator of AHS/GED Robeson Community College. A personal reference letter from the former school may be required for transfer acceptance.

An Adult High School Diploma is awarded when test scores indicate that required achievement level has been attained, and when required subject matter has been satisfactorily completed. This subject matter includes reading, English expression, mathematics, science, and social studies. The diploma is awarded by Robeson Community College in agreement with the Public Schools of Robeson County. The Adult Diploma program is approved by the State Board of Education, and meets the requirements of higher learning.

High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE)

Another program for the adult who has not completed high school is the High School Equivalency program. A $80.00 fee is required prior to testing. Under this plan, individuals may take a series of tests called the HSE. Those receiving an acceptable passing score will be awarded a High School Equivalency Diploma. This equivalency diploma is generally accepted on a basis equal to a high school diploma for employment, promotion, or further education.

The HSE test covers four broad areas: Reasoning through Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics, and is administered at the college.

Applicants must be a minimum of age 18 (minors 16 and 17 years old meeting RCC criteria may be enrolled if they meet certain guidelines).

The college, through the Career and College Promise classes, offers the individual the opportunity to prepare for the HSE Test.

The Chief Testing Officer will:

  1. Arrange an agreeable time for testing with the Assistant Vice President of College and Career Readiness.
  2. Notify all applicants of testing time and site.
  3. Administer the HSE tests.