2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog & Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Attendance Policy [opens in same tab] 

Distance Learning [opens in same tab] 

Grade Appeals Process [opens in same tab] 

Grading System [opens in same tab] 

Educational Records [opens in same tab] 


Academic Freedom and Responsibility Policy

It is the policy of Robeson Community College to support the concept of academic freedom for its faculty, and as such respect the faculty member’s right to teach, investigate, and publish freely in accordance with the provisions and clarifications provided in this policy.

As representatives of Robeson Community College, instructors and students should exercise sound judgment in the interpretation and presentation of instructional materials.

The instructor/student has the freedom to interpret and/ or teach the subject within sound academic principles and practices without undue institutional censorship. However, each instructor/student should be mindful that controversial materials that have no relation to the course have no place in the classroom. Personal behavior within the classroom and without reflects upon the college. Each instructor/student must be responsible for his or her own behavior.

Patent and Copyright Policy

It is the policy of Robeson Community College to comply with all applicable laws regarding copyright use and ownership. As an institution devoted to the creation, discovery, and dissemination of knowledge, RCC shall support responsible, good faith exercise of full fair use rights as codified in 17 U.S.C. Section 107, by faculty, librarians, and staff in furtherance of teaching and service activities and copyright ownership for creative, non directed works by faculty, staff, and students subject to the “Copyright Use and Ownership Policy” and the “Patent Policy” on file in the Student Services Office.

Academic Expectations

Student Expectations of Faculty

The faculty of Robeson Community College pledges to provide the highest level of service possible to all of its students all of the time. Your faculty member knows what students need to do to succeed in the course you are taking, and your instructor wants you to succeed. To this end, it is reasonable for students to expect that faculty will:

  • Provide you with a syllabus that outlines the content and objectives of the course and spells out the instructor’s grading and attendance policies
  • Be a professional who will treat each student respectfully, equally, and honestly.
  • Start class on time, be prepared, and use effective teaching strategies to promote learning of the subject material activities for the full time allotted for all classes.
  • Strive to create a positive environment in which you may pursue learning.
  • Be accessible and approachable.
  • Provide timely and consistent feedback regarding student progress.
  • Provide reasonable assistance on an individual basis as may be necessary and appropriate.
  • Preserve the academic integrity of the course.

Faculty Expectations of Students

Robeson Community College is an institution for adult learning. It is a partnership between instructors with the desire to teach and students with the desire to learn. Instructors seek to guide you, motivate you, and outline for you the body of knowledge to be learned. To this end, we believe it is reasonable to expect that students will:

  • Treat other students and faculty with respect and treat the classroom as a professional environment.
  • Accept the challenge of collegiate studying, thinking, and learning.
  • Anticipate that the level and quantity of work in some courses will exceed prior experiences.
  • Be informed about instructors’ policies presented in the course syllabus, as well as the policies of the college published in this publication
  • Attend all classes, except when emergencies arise.
  • Adhere to class start times and end times that are prescribed.
  • Be an active participant in class.
  • Study course material routinely.
  • Refrain from any behavior that may distract others.
  • Silence all cell phones, pagers, and other communications devices in every class.
  • Use the internet for valid, academic purposes only while in any RCC campus computer lab.
  • Transact personal business with the instructor (such as asking him or her to sign forms) before instruction begins or after class.
  • Let no temptation cause you to compromise or surrender your integrity, ethics, or morals.

Computing Grade Point Average



Grade Points Per Credit Hour Grade Points
ENG 102   3 C 2 6
AHR-134 7 B 3 21
AHR 110   5 A 4 20
PHY-121 4 F 0 0
MEC-288 1 D 1 1
  20     48

The grade point average is computed by dividing points earned by the total credit hours attempted. In the preceding example, 48 divided by 20 equals 2.40 grade point average. All grades A through F, WF (treated as “F”), and Incompletes (treated as “F”), are counted in computing the grade point standing. Credit by transfer and credit by examination are not included in computing the grade point standing.

Credit by Examination

Advance placement is offered to students who because of their demonstrated abilities are qualified to accelerate their studies. To earn advanced placement, a student may take a proficiency examination in most subject areas which he/she can demonstrate a mastery of theory and practical application. A list of courses and/or subject areas which are not suitable nor allowable for proficiency exams may be obtained from the Records and Registration Office. Under no circumstances will credit be given when the challenge examination grade is less than “C”. Total credits earned by examination and/or transfer credit cannot exceed seventy-five (75) percent of the program requirements.

The following procedure will serve as guidelines in making application for all proficiency examinations:

  1. The following persons will not be permitted to take proficiency examinations.
    1. Persons who have taken the proficiency examination previously.
    2. Persons who have either enrolled in and/or dropped from the course.
    3. Persons who were enrolled in and failed the course.
    4. Persons who have a cumulative grade point average less than 2.5.
  2. For new students enrolled in a curriculum program, the Registrar may grant approval.
  3. Make application to the Registrar for the proficiency exam. Application must be made during the drop/add period, and if approved, students are required to register for the exam during the drop/add period.
  4. Application approval will be forwarded to the appropriate Assistant Vice President of Educational Services for instructor assignment. NOTE: Only full-time instructors give proficiency exams.
  5. Upon approval of the application, an examination in theory and practicum (where applicable) will be given. ALL EXAMS MUST BE TAKEN PRIOR TO THE MID-TERM OF THE SEMESTER.
  6. After evaluation of the examination by the instructor, test results will be forwarded to the Registrar and the appropriate Assistant Vice President in Educational Services.
  7. Credit earned by proficiency examination will be entered on the student’s transcript as credit hours passed. No grade or quality point value will be assigned. Credit earned by proficiency examination will not be used in determining grade point average (GPA) or verification of enrollment.
  8. Applicants must be in a program of study. All prerequisites must be met where applicable.
  9. Proficiencies are not approved for Summer Term.

For credit by examination, full-time students enrolled in sixteen credit hours or more are exempt from additional tuition charges.However, students enrolled in less than 16 credit hours must pay the Business Office the tuition required by the state for each semester hour credit; this fee is not refundable. A registration form must be completed in the Records and Registration Office after approval has been obtained to take a proficiency examination. Fees will be paid in the Business Office. Any exceptions to the above procedures and requirements must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Student Services. Exceptions will be made only under rare circumstances.

Credit by Transfer

New Students

Robeson Community College may accept credits earned from technical institutes, colleges, universities, and any other educational institutions accredited by The Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of College and Schools (SACS), other regional accrediting associations recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and/or other associations accredited by the American Council on Education.

All applicants requesting transfer credit from another institution to RCC must submit an official transcript, and if necessary an appropriate catalog, to the Director of Admissions. Applicants who wish to transfer from other educational institutions must be eligible to return to the school last attended. Any exception to this procedure must be approved by the Assistant Vice President of Student Services and only then by justifiable cause.

Applicants seeking transfer credit from institutions outside the United States will be asked to submit translated documents to WES (World Education Services) and request that course-by-course evaluations and course descriptions be forwarded to Robeson Community College. WES’s website is www.wes.org [opens in a new tab].

Only course grades of “C” or higher will be accepted and such courses must parallel the content of RCC courses. Pre-College English (DRE) and mathematics (DMA) courses from a North Carolina community college will be considered for transfer if the course reflects a grade of “P” for passing. A grade of “TC” is awarded for all transfer credits. Transfer credits do not factor into a student’s grade point average. In some cases, courses over five (5) years old will not be considered. For a complete listing of these courses, please review section titled “Program Completion Requirements”.

The Registrar, in consultation with appropriate faculty, will determine the transfer credits allowable. In order for transfer credit to be awarded, the course must parallel the content, level, quality and credit hours of a RCC course. This evaluation will be made at the time of acceptance and the student will be notified in writing accordingly. Transfer credits will be posted to the student’s permanent record. In addition, transferring students must complete a minimum of twenty-five percent of the total number of credit hours required for a certificate, diploma, or degree program in residence at Robeson Community College.

Non-Traditional and Prior Learning Credits

CLEP/AP Credit

Students may request credit for subjects taken under the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Advanced Placement (AP) Program. CLEP or AP credit may be evaluated for general or subject area examinations. Official test score reports from College Board must be submitted to the registrar for consideration of CLEP or AP credit. Test scores must meet the current score recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) in order to receive college credit. For College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and Advanced Placement Program (AP) information and transcripts, see www.collegeboard.com [opens in a new tab].

RCC may also award general education credits for acceptable completion of International Baccalaureate courses. International Baccalaureate transcripts may be obtained from: http://www.ibo.org/ [opens in a new tab].

Community Service Credit

Robeson Community College does not award credit based solely upon community service education.

Military Credits

Credits may be extended to Veterans for DANTES Credit or for educational experiences in the Armed Forces. An original transcript of military educational credits/experiences must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for consideration of credit. All military credits are evaluated using the ACE Guide recommendations. Veterans may request a copy of their military credits/experiences from:

American Council on Education and the Joint Services Transcript Portal

http://www.acenet.edu/news-room/Pages/Transcripts-for-Military-Personnel.aspx [opens in a new tab]

Continuing Education to Curriculum Non-Course Credits

Students successfully completing a Basic Law Enforcement Training course (since 1985) accredited by the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission may receive credit for a number of courses in the Criminal Justice Technology AAS program. See Basic Law Enforcement Training Certificate .

Certification Credits

Students who have a current listing of Nurse Aide I with the North Carolina Nurse Aide Registry are eligible to receive noncourse credit for Nurse Aide I (NAS 101 ).

Students who have successfully met the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS) standards for EMT Basic credential are eligible to receive non-course credit for EMS 110 ; students who have successfully met the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS) standards for EMT-Intermediate credential are eligible to receive non-course credit for EMT 110, EMS 122 , EMS 130 , EMS 131 , EMS 160  and EMS 221 ; and, students who have completed the EMT-Paramedic credential are eligible to receive non-course credit for EMS 110 , EMS 122 , EMS 130 , EMS 131 , EMS 160 , EMS 220 , EMS 221 , EMS 231 , EMS 240 , EMS 241 , EMS 250 , EMS 260 , EMS 270  and MED 120 .

Students holding industry certifications (no more than 3 years old) may be eligible for non-course credit as follows: IC3 GSE or GS4 (CIS 110  or CIS 111 ); MOS MS Word 2013-Specialist (OST 136 ); MOS MS Access 2013-Specialist (DBA 110 ); MOS MS Excel 2013-Specialist (CTS 130 ); MOS MS Excel 2013-Expert (CTS 230 ); Intuit Quickbooks Certified User (ACC 150  and ACC 152 ); COMP TIA A+ (CTS 120  and CTS 220 ); AAPC CPC (OST 148 ); Certified Public Accountant (ACC 120  and ACC 121 ); MTA Networking Fundamentals or CompTIA Network+ (NET 110 ); MTA Security Fundamentals or CompTIA Security+ (SEC 110 ); MAT Windows OS Fundamentals or MCSA Windows 7 or 8 (NOS 130 ); MTA Windows Server Admin Fundamentals or MCSA Windows Server 2012 (NOS 230 ).

Other health field and industry non-credit courses or training resulting in the successful completion of nationally recognized or state (North Carolina) examinations for certification or licensure may also be considered for credit on a case-by-case basis.

Prior Learning Assessment

RCC awards applicable credits earned for nontraditional prior learning, however, credit is not awarded simply for experience but for measurable college-level learning which includes knowledge, skills, and competencies students have obtained as a result of their prior learning experiences. College credit may be granted on a case-by-case basis for prior learning only when it can be documented and falls within RCC regular credit course offerings.

Application for credit for prior learning must be approved prior to course enrollment regardless of method or type of prior learning. All mandatory institutional requirements for certificates and degree programs must be met and individuals are only eligible for prior learning credit once officially accepted as an RCC student.

Credit granted through one of the PLA options may be used to fulfill RCC program requirements; however transferability to other institutions is at the discretion of the receiving institution and is not guaranteed to transfer to other institutions.

Community Service Credit

Robeson Community College does not award credit based solely upon community service.

Auditing Courses

Students who wish to audit a course must register through the regular registration procedures. Tuition and fees for auditing are the same as the cost of courses taken for credit. Audits are reported on transcripts as “AU” and do not affect earned credits or influence the grade point average for the semester. However, audited courses do not count as successful completions for financial aid purposes. Therefore, students who receive financial aid should consult the financial aid officer before electing to audit a course. To audit a course, a student should state his/her intent to audit no later than the first week of the course. An “AU” will be entered as the student’s grade for that course. Audits are not allowed in distance education courses. In Health Science Programs, students must receive appropriate Program Director and Assistant Vice President approval in order to audit an Health Science course.

Repeating Course Work

To raise a grade in any course, the student must reregister for the course. Only the best grade earned will be counted in calculating the total number of credit hours and grade point average. Any required course in which an “F” is received must be repeated and passed to graduate. Veteran students will not receive any educational benefits (pay) for courses previously attempted and passed.

Program (Curriculum) Change Procedures

To change from one curriculum to another or change from special credit status: Students must request an interview in the Admissions Office to discuss changing programs. When a program change is approved in the Admissions Office, the program change becomes effective at the beginning of the ensuing semester.

Financial Aid/or Veterans Education Assistance recipients should consult with the Financial Aid Officer and/or the Veterans Affairs Officer prior to requesting a program change. Not all programs are approved for benefits.

Program Completion Requirements

Students are allowed a maximum of five years to complete a program. If the student does not complete the program within a five year period, he/she may be required to follow the current catalog and student handbook or state approved curriculum guide (if different from catalog, will appear as an addendum to the catalog) in selection and registering for courses. RCC reserves the right not to award credit for courses over 10 years old or credits deemed to be obsolete. Exceptions may be made for general education courses. The following list of courses will not be counted towards graduation requirements if they are over five years old: CTS 130 , DBA 110 , NUT 110 , NOS 110 , NOS 130 , NOS 230 .

Course changes within programs are generally not made more often than two years. Full-time day students enrolling under the first year of a catalog can expect to complete graduation requirements with little or no change in course offerings. Part-time students and students who enroll at some time other than the first semester of the two-year period may experience some course changes in their programs. RCC staff and faculty will work with students to make adjustments in the affected course areas with minimal inconvenience to the student and without delaying the student’s projected date of graduation.