2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Campus Services

Student Activities [opens in same tab] 


Academic Advising

Academic advising at Robeson Community College is essential to the total development of the student. The mission of academic advising is to aid students with accurate information concerning courses of instruction, institutional resources, policies and procedures, career choices, and educational opportunities.

Since the most significant part of the advising process is the relationship between the faculty advisor and the student, each student is assigned a faculty advisor. The faculty advisor serves as a resource person who provides information about program opportunities, educational requirements, and college regulations. The advisor assists the student in developing an educational plan to include both short range and long range goals. The advisor is a link between the student and the College community, and also advises students of services available at the College.

The faculty advisory system is an integral part of the total educational process of the institution. Each student has an opportunity to develop a real and important relationship with a person whose experience has been in the field of interest for which the student is training. Having a faculty advisor to whom one is specifically assigned gives one a definite source of help. Many times a student will make a choice to remain in school when the going is rough if he/ she can envision what future there may be in his/her chosen curriculum. No one is better qualified to point the way for the student than his/her major area instructor.

The emphasis on a continuing contact with the advisee in order to develop a total program suggests that part of the advisor’s responsibility is to be available to discuss goals and academic problems as the need arises. While it is the responsibility of the student to schedule meetings with the advisor each semester, the advisor should post a time they will be available for advising students. (A key here is for the advisor to indicate verbally, at the point of approving a registration schedule, that he is available if and when problems arise.)

Faculty advisors are available for all students. All students are assigned an advisor whether they attend on a full-time or a part-time basis. Advisors maintain regular office hours to accommodate students.

Special Credit students or students who have not yet made a career choice are also assigned an advisor. This advisor is usually a counselor or a specified faculty advisor who works with these students until they make a career choice. Once a career choice is made, they are assigned a faculty advisor in their program area.


The bookstore is located in Building 9. It is maintained for the convenience of students in purchasing necessary textbooks and supplies. Fall and Spring hours of operation are Monday – Thursday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and Friday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. Summer hours of operation are Monday – Thursday 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. Please see the store website [opens in a new tab] for extended hours at the begining of the semester, promotions, textbook information, and shop online 24/7. Contact the bookstore at 910-272-3520 or email: bookstore@robeson.edu.

Business Office

The receipt of fees and the disbursement of approved refunds are the responsibility of the Business Office. Office hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Thursday and 8:00am to3:00 pm on Friday. Summer hours are 7:30am to 5:30pm Monday through Thursday. Unpaid obligations to this office become part of the student’s college financial record until they are cleared up. The Business Office is located in Building 2.

Returned Check Policy

Students who write checks for registration and/or fee charges which are returned to the College unpaid by financial institutions will be notified by the Business Office via certified letter and phone using the address and telephone number currently in the system. At this time a $25 returned check fee will be charged. These students will be given thirty (30) days to clear the debt either by cash payment or certified check. If after thirty (30) days the debt is not cleared, a warrant will be issued by the Robeson County Magistrate’s Office. After this time, the student must make payment of the returned check plus court costs to the Clerk of Superior Court. Until the debt is repaid students will not be allowed to register for future class(es), curriculum or noncurriculum, or view grades and/or receive transcripts.

Campus Security

Uniformed security personnel are employed by the College. Among their duties are campus safety and security, parking, and traffic control. Any acts of vandalism, theft, etc., should be directed to their attention or to the attention of Institutional Services. Loitering in the parking areas is not permitted.

Counseling and Career Services

Counseling is available to help students gain a better understanding of themselves and their opportunities. Professionally-trained counselors are available to discuss and help students explore any problem areas they may experience. Students who are experiencing personal, interpersonal, or academic difficulties are encouraged to see a counselor as soon as possible. Appointments can be made by telephoning (910) 272-3353, or persons can come by Counseling and Career Services in the Student Center, Building 13. Conversations are confidential and handled in a professional manner as provided for by the American Counseling Association Ethical Standards, and the laws specifically regulating Counseling in North Carolina.

Counseling and Career Services also provides groups for personal growth experience. Groups may include the following: Assertiveness Training, Study Skills, Personal Growth, Habit Control, Test-taking and Test Anxiety, Self-concept Development, Values Clarification, Coping with Grief, Communication Skills, Stress and Time Management. Counseling and Career Services sponsors Career Workshops each semester on such topics as: Resume Writing, Finding the Right Career, Preparing for the Job Interview, and other career-related activities.

Career Services

Career Services offers students many valuable and effective services. The sheer multitude of possibilities often make the process of choosing an occupation very frustrating, time consuming, and haphazard. For RCC students, career planning helps provide direction in making the right career choice.

Career services involves more than just choosing an occupation. It also includes knowing your interests, values, and capabilities (self-assessment), becoming aware of the work world opportunities, learning the necessary employability skills to obtain and keep a job, and knowing how to develop, re-evaluate and implement long-term career plans. Career Counselors help students examine their interests, aptitudes, and values. Interest inventories and aptitude tests are administered and interpreted.

The Career Online Personality Tests allow students to assess their career-related needs. Students complete a series of self-paced exercises designed to help them in exploring career possibilities. A personal profile is created to reflect their abilities and aspirations. Needs are assessed in terms of the following dimensions: educational level attained or aspired, work site preferences, level of physical demands sought, temperament factors, level of earnings sought, aptitude factors, interest factors, future outlook, personality factors, fields of work, physical activities sought and to be avoided, hours of work and travel preferences, and environmental conditions desired. The student interacts with the computer to explore for occupations, to obtain specific profiles on occupations of interest, to compare occupations, and to search for occupations that are related.

Job Placement 

Counseling and Career Services offers assistance to students currently enrolled in curriculum programs, or alumni who may be seeking full or part-time employment. Placement personnel act as a liaison between students and potential employers. Contact is maintained with employers who are looking for qualified applicants and positions are advertised on campus. Job Fairs are held annually for graduating students. Students can access information on jobs that are updated daily by Employment Security Commission at NC Works Online [opens in new tab]. All graduating students who seek assistance with locating employment are asked to 1) complete a placement packet, and 2) provide typed resumes.

Placement Testing and Specialized Tests

Placement Testing is handled through the Admissions Office. Testing does not determine whether or not students can attend College. The purpose of Placement Testing is to match the academic readiness of the student with the academic requirements of the curriculum. Persons applying for admission into all diploma or degree programs are required to test. Placement Test scores are used in conjunction with previous transcripts in determining whether students are academically ready to enter a particular curriculum. Testing is administered in the following areas: Writing, Reading Comprehension, and Mathematical skills. Testing is scheduled after applicants have submitted an application to the College. There is no charge for taking the test.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Awareness Prevention Program

Robeson Community College operates a drug abuse awareness prevention program for all students and employees. Counseling, information, and referral services are provided by professionally trained counselors. Counselors are available to talk with anyone concerning drug/alcohol use. Counselors may be contacted directly or indirectly. Persons requesting anonymity may telephone the Counseling and Career Center building in 13 for information without disclosing their names (910-272-3353). Referrals to external agencies may be appropriate in some situations.

There is a Drug/Alcohol Display Center in Counseling and Career Center in building 13 where persons can receive free information concerning drugs and/or alcohol use and abuse. Persons are encouraged to go by and pick up this free information. Drug/Alcohol information is also displayed and distributed around campus at other locations. Robeson Community College also sponsors speakers who have expertise on drug and/or alcohol use. Other activities are planned to create an awareness of the effects of drugs and alcohol, and how these behaviors affect learning and working. The total college community is invited to attend these functions. Below are some telephone numbers where more information on drugs and alcohol can be received.

Hotline Numbers for Drug/Alcohol Information:

  1. Crime stoppers (910) 738-1133 (do not have to give name)
  2. Eastpointe  (800) 913-6109
  3. Southeastern Psychiatry Clinic (910) 272-3030
  4. Drug Rehab Fayetteville (910) 216-0745
  5. Palmer Prevention, Inc. (Free Services) (910) 522-0421
  6. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 1-800-346-0380 (NIDA Hotline directs callers to local cocaine abuse centers. Free materials on drug abuse may also be requested. All information and referrals confidential.)
  7. NC Health and Human Services 1-800-532-6302
  8. Lumberton Treatment Center (910) 739-9160

Drug and Alcohol Policy

The use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are subjects of immediate concerns in our society. These problems are extremely complex and ones for which there are no easy solutions. From a safety perspective, the users and/or abusers of drugs or alcohol may impair the well-being of all employees, students, and the public at large, and may result in property damage to the College. Therefore, in compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, it is the policy of Robeson Community College that the unlawful use, possession, distribution, manufacture, or dispensation of a controlled substance or alcohol, is prohibited while on College premises, the College workplace, or as part of any College sponsored activity. Any employee or student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination or expulsion and referred for prosecution. The specifics of this policy may be found in the Counseling and Career Center in building 13 or by calling 910-272-3353.

AIDS Awareness

Robeson Community College provides information to students about AIDS. This information is available through handouts that are available in Counseling and Career Services. The counselors are available to provide referral information for students and personal counseling about the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

The Center for Disease Control’s National AIDS Hotline (1-800-CDC-INFO) offers 24-hour service seven days a week to respond to any questions about HIV infection and AIDS. The number for the Robeson County Health Department is 910-671-3200.

Health Services

Robeson Community College maintains no health facilities other than first aid equipment. Emergency facilities are available in Lumberton at Southeastern Regional Medical Center, the Robeson County Emergency Medical Service, and the Lumberton Rescue Unit nearby. In case of emergency, notify an instructor or a counselor in the Counseling and Career Center immediately (Room 1315, Student Center; 910-272-3353).


The College does not operate residence hall facilities nor does it assume responsibility for housing. Upon request, the Counseling and Career staff will assist students in locating adequate facilities in the area. Final decisions and arrangements are the responsibility of the student and the landlord.

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services at Robeson Community College is committed to providing disability services to all academically qualified students who may need additional support and/or accommodations. The College seeks to enroll students who can complete college level courses with the help of support services and classroom accommodations. A formal program for students with learning and/or physical disabilities is not offered; all students attend the same classes.

The Office of Disability Services utilizes Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to identify individuals with disabilities. Under this federal law, a person with a disability is defined as any person who (1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities or (2) has a record of such impairment, or (3) is regarded as having such an impairment. Major life activities include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working, caring for oneself, and performing manual tasks.

The Office of Disability Services also adheres to the mandates outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, ADA Amendment Act of 2008, NC Senate Bill 866, and the Higher Education Opportunities Act.

Federal law prohibits RCC from requesting information regarding an individuals’ disability on the admissions application; therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the Office of Disability Services to disclose his/her disability and to request services. In order to request services, the following procedures need to be followed:

  1. Disability Services Application
    Individuals interested in receiving disability services must complete an application packet. This is the first step to begin the process for determining eligibility to receive disability services. Application packets must be received at least one month prior to requesting accommodations. Application packets are available in the Office of Disability Services which is located within the Office of Counseling and Career Services.
  2. Documentation Guidelines
    To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate services and accommodations, students requesting these services must provide current documentation of their disability. Current documentation is necessary to (a) establish that an individual has a disability, (b) identify the functional limitations and how they impact the academic performance of the student and (c) assists in developing appropriate accommodations.
    1. Documentation must be current and from a service provider who is certified or licensed to evaluate or diagnose a particular disability. These professionals may include a medical doctor, psychologist, ophthalmologist, educational diagnosticians, and other certified service providers. If you received services in high school, please provide a copy of your most recent psychological or psycho-educational plan to the Office of Disability Services.
      • It should be noted that a school plan such as an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 plan is insufficient documentation, but it can be included as part of a more comprehensive assessment battery.
      • Prior history of accommodation does not, in and of itself, warrant the provision of similar accommodations.
    2. All documentation provided to the Office of Disability Services is confidential information and will not be disclosed to a third party without consent except in emergency situations. All documentation provided to determine eligibility remains in the Office of Disability Services and does not become part of the student’s academic record.
  3. Verification of Eligibility
    Once the Office of Disability Services verifies an individual’s eligibility for services, a meeting will be scheduled to develop an individualized accommodation plan. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis. Individuals with similar disabilities may not receive the exact same accommodations.
  4. Typical Accommodations
    Regardless of the instructional delivery, accommodations may include, but are not limited to:
  • Test administration modification
  • Calculators/keyboard with large buttons
  • Individual counseling
  • Assistive technology
  • Tutorial services
  • Assistive Listening Devices
  • Braille/talking calculators
  • Enlarged print
  • Note taking services
  • Scribe
  • Alternative forms of textbooks
  • Reader
  • Sign language interpreting services
  • Special seating
  • Assistance with completing forms
  1. As the liaison between faculty and students, the Office of Disability Services will send out Disability Certification Notices which identifies the accommodations that students qualify to receive. Instructors are responsible to provide accommodations identified on the Disability Certification Notice.
  2. Students are to meet with each instructor to discuss how accommodations will be implemented. Students are responsible for monitoring progress with instructors and ask for additional assistance if needed.
  3. At the end of each semester and before the upcoming semester, students receiving accommodations should meet with the Counselor in the Office of Disability Services to re-evaluate the individualized accommodation plan. Revisions will be made during this time.
  1. Late Request for Accommodations
    Requests for disability services must be made at least one month prior to the first day of class. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate all students. However, if requests are not received in a timely manner prior to the time the student needs special accommodations, it may not be possible to provide the necessary services until a later term.

Division of Learning Resource Services

The Division of Learning Resource Services is committed to providing a wide range of resources and services to carry out the mission of the College. The Robeson Community College Anne Moss-Biggs Library is conveniently located in the center of the campus in Building 4. Its attractive surroundings are a pleasant place for research, study, and/or leisure reading. Services include a qualified staff concerned with providing library resources necessary to support Robeson Community College’s purpose and programs; and sharing library resources for interest, information, and enlightenment to all people of the community. Staff are on duty during the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday to answer reference questions. The Library’s open hours vary between semesters and throughout the summer sessions, so please check the website for current hours. 

The RCC Anne Moss-Biggs Library’s print collection includes more than 21,000 monographs, as well as a host of periodicals and newspapers, which have been selected to support the degree, diploma, and enrichment programs offered by the College.  Anyone interested in using the Library may acquire borrowing privileges by simply filling out a registration slip at the library.  Note that photo identification and/or proof of class registration are required.  The Library issues all patrons photo identification cards, which allow them borrowing privileges. These cards also serve as RCC College I.D.’s for current RCC students.  Books, periodicals, and records are loaned for three weeks. Renewals may be obtained in person or by telephone. To encourage prompt return or renewal of materials, a daily fine is charged on overdue materials. Lost or badly damaged materials must be paid at the replacement cost, plus a $5.00 administrative fee. Failure to return materials or pay charges will result in the loss of borrowing privileges. Students who have not returned materials or paid fines will be obligated to do so before re-registering or graduating.

The RCC Anne Moss-Biggs Library supports Distance Learning. The RCC Library independently subscribes to 114 specialized databases, and provides access to NC LIVE (a search platform created by the statewide library consortium), all of which enhance and support the College’s curricula.  Databases such as NC LIVE, Access World News, Opposing Viewpoints, and PrepSTEP provide access to full-text journals, eBooks, digitized newspapers, language learning tools, college and career preparation resources, streaming videos, tutorials, practice tests, and more. From the RCC Web Site, the Library’s online research guides point users to appropriate subject matter and/or course-specific resources and to online tutorials that assist with the efficacious use of the Library’s various databases.  The Library also ensures that all of its e-resources are accessible both on and off campus for the RCC community of users through the use of a virtual private network.  

Bibliographic instruction, aimed at educating patrons on how to fully utilize the library’s resources and services, is available by request.  The Library’s Instruction Lab offers a convenient, state-of-the-art classroom for instruction of all types.  Faculty may reserve use of the Instruction Lab from the Library’s Web Page.

The RCC Anne Moss-Biggs Library is a member of the North Carolina Community College Libraries Reciprocal Lending Agreement, which strives to increase access to the library resources within the North Carolina Community College System Libraries, to maximize use of the combined collections of the system libraries and to support the NCCCS Distance Learning Initiative. The NCCC Libraries have agreed to lend materials to any student or faculty in the system who provides valid identification showing current college affiliation. The RCC Library is committed to providing an accessible facility, professional services, and quality resources to assist students as they pursue their educational goals.

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation (NSO) is held each semester for new and returning students who have not been enrolled within the last year. New Student Orientation is designed to help make the transition to college as smooth as possible. The orientation process is designed to accomplish the following::

  1. Acquaint students with the campus.
  2. Introduce students to key personnel on campus.
  3. Advise students of college support services.
  4. Provide academic information.
  5. Acquaint students with college survival skills.


ACA 111 –The College Student Success course is designed to help you become a more successful student.

This course introduces the college’s physical, academic, and social environment and promotes the personal development essential for success. Topics include campus facilities and resources; policies, procedures, and programs; study skills; and life management issues such as health, self-esteem, motivation, goal setting, diversity, and communication. Upon completion, students should be able to function effectively within the college environment to meet their educational goals.

ACA 122  - The College Transfer Success course is designed specifically for students enrolled in the University Transfer program.

This course provides information and strategies necessary to develop clear academic strategies and professional goals beyond the community college experience. Topics include the CAA, college culture, career exploration, gathering information on senior institutions, strategic planning, critical thinking, and communication skills for a successful academic transition. Upon completion, students should be able to develop an academic plan to transition successfully to senior institutions.

Student Services

Robeson Community College provides many personal services designed to make the educational experiences of its students profitable and satisfying. The faculty and administration recognize that the central purpose of the College is to provide an environment wherein each student may achieve maximum development-intellectually, socially, and physically. The services, organizations, and activities are provided as a means of contribution to the total growth of the individual.

The basic objectives of Student Services at Robeson Community College are built upon the stated philosophy and objectives of Robeson Community College and the North Carolina Community College System.

  1. To interpret the College’s objectives, opportunities, and policies to prospective students.
  2. To assist in the implementation of the “Open Door” philosophy and policy.
  3. To assist the student in satisfactorily selecting, entering, progressing within, and completing a course of study whether general, technical, trade, upgrading, basic education, or cultural in nature.
  4. To provide a professional, competent, and continuing, counseling program in assisting students with academic, vocational, personal, and social-economic problems.
  5. To properly record, maintain, and make available to proper persons information regarding students.
  6. To provide, develop, encourage, and evaluate a program of student activities.
  7. To encourage suitable vocational-educational placement upon termination of individual studies at the college.
  8. To promote and encourage programs related to the health, safety, and physical welfare of the student.
  9. To initiate, encourage, complete and share systematic research and the results thereof.
  10. To continuously evaluate and improve Student Service.

With these objectives, it is imperative that close, full cooperation be maintained not only within the Student Services staff, but also with the administration, faculty, students, and the community. It is with this cooperation and with these purposes that the Student Services staff dedicates itself to serving RCC students, staff, and community.

Tutorial Services (The Learning Center)

Robeson Community College offers a variety of tutorial and academic success services, including individual and group tutoring, workshops and educational programs through The Learning Center (TLC). The mission of TLC is to provide students with additional assistance and resources outside of the classroom to enhance academic success, through promotion of self-directed learning, decision-making, building confidence and motivation, and a greater appreciation for education and learning. The Learning Center serves students by offering tutoring, writing assistance, and supplemental instruction in an environment that is supportive and encouraging.

The Learning Center (TLC) assists students having difficulty in their classes and who need additional support with particular concepts in their areas of study. Students seeking to enhance skills to improve their academics may also attend workshops. The Center also welcomes students to study in an environment that is conducive to learning, and students may enjoy reading materials.

In addition to services offered in The Learning Center, students may access the Center’s website at www.robeson.edu/tlc [opens in a new tab] for online resources, including links to articles and materials to enhance student understanding of concepts and practices in particular areas of study. Information is also available online about TLC’s workshops, policies, and services.

Services provided by TLC are free and available to all RCC students. Students are encouraged to ask their instructors, counselors and advisors to refer them to TLC for assistance in their courses. Students may visit the center in person to complete a request or go online to complete a Request a Tutor Form for tutoring assistance. Please note that while TLC staff will attempt to accommodate all student requests, tutoring assistance is not guaranteed. Neither should students expect to earn an “A” in their courses simply by participating in TLC-sponsored programs. Students are expected to study outside of the classroom, complete assignments, and assistance offered through TLC should be used in addition to regular study and class work. To contact, The Learning Center, call 910-272-3663.

Voter Registration Assistance

Information, forms and assistance completing voter registration materials can be secured by contacting a counselor in the Counseling and Career Services Office located in Room 1315 of the Student Center.